Beauty And The Beast Part 1.

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Gina's POV

I was home in bed watching Beauty and The Beast on Disney Plus. Once the movie was over I turned off the tv and I took a deep breath and then let it go. I just feel so frustrated because I never been in a situation where I am not getting a lead role. I was casted as the French Feather duster. It's not a lot happening for me in this play. Now I know I am a co-choreographer and I could still make my part shine. I know that will always be the goal. No matter what part you play you have to make sure that nobody can do the part better than you.

But I'm just honestly over feeling over looked and being placed lasted to everyone. I went to YouTube and typed in my old school's production where I played Jasmine in Aladdin. I think this was one of my favorite performances and I had so much fun playing the part. I was in the middle of watching it until Ej was calling. I answered it.

"Hey babe" I said

"Hey, what are you doing?" He asked

"Nothing, just watching random videos on YouTube" I said honestly

"What video are you watching right now?" He asked

"A make up tutorial that's all" I lied

"Oh. So how are you feeling about the play?" He asked

" I don't know" i said

"Babe it's me. Nobody knows more than me how important it is to you to have a leading role. If you don't want to do it. I will pull out with you. I don't want to be in a role where my cousin is playing the love interest. That's weird" Ej said grossed out

"I feel stuck because I want to make my mark here and I feel like now maybe I'm not meant to be making a mark here" I said then he cut me off

"You're not thinking about leaving from here are you?" Ej asked paranoid

"No babe, I'm just talking about theatre at East High that's all." I said clearing that up

"Sorry but I had to ask. It was starting to get dark there for a moment" Ej said and I laughed a little bit.

"Oh sorry. No. But don't get me wrong I want to be there for my friends. And this is important to Ash & Courtney. I am actually excited for them both. So I am going to choreography them to the best of my ability so they and look their best. And I am excited to see you play Gaston. Everyone knows you are the hotter than the beast." I said flirting and I can hear him blushing over the phone

"Why aren't you playing Belle. Jesus Christ"'Ej said feeling frustrated jokingly

"We don't even have a scene together" I pouted

"This is so annoying." Ej complained

"But it is what it is"  I said simply

"This weekend I want to take my lady out on a date. Just me and you." Ej said

"We are long over do for some quality time together. Whatever we do can it it be low key?" I asked.

"How about we drive up the Tawny Harbor, get Ben & Jerry's ice cream and watch the the sunset?" He suggested

"That sounds perfect and romantic" I said

"Great. I thought so. I'm going to go shower & get ready for bed babe" Ej said

"Ok, well I love you" I said

"I love you too. Get some rest. I'll call you in the morning" He said

"Ok. Goodnight" then we hung up. I then went back to watching my performance videos on YouTube until I fell asleep.

The next day at school it was time for study hall. I'm walking to go find Ej so we can walk together as usual. I see the new heffa Lilly put her hands on Ej's arm and then to his chest. Ej looks at her shady while moving her hand away from him. He then is happy to see me as I walk up to him.

"Moon of my life, my wifey. Hi babe" Ej pulled me to kiss him once I approached him. When we pulled away Ej allowed me to be in front of him he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head to mine.

"Gloria I was just congratulating Ej on his role as Gaston. He is going to make one fine Gaston" Lily said flirting and being a bitch.

"Laura, I heard you're going to North High and today is you last day. Good luck not being rejected there. Spots are pretty tough to land after being rejected from Standsfield, Connor De Grace, Sico & the latest East High. Let's go babe. Our energy is only for winners. Au revoir" I said and we walked away.

"Thank you baby, that was cold and hot all at the same time. I love you so much. Come here" Ej said excited to kiss me again. He loves seeing that protective side of me over him.

"My baby is a straight beast" Ej bragged and then kissed me again. It's funny to me when he gets like this.

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