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Ej's POV

Today was a big day because I will be doing the morning show for the first time. Mr. M asked me to do the morning show and he asked me to pick a co-anchor and he suggested a female and recommended that I ask Gina. So I took his advice and I asked her and she said yes. I was happy that she said yes because I get to spend a little time with her outside of being at lunch or in theatre.

Last night we were up preparing last minute stuff and organizing everything. What impressed me is how seriously she was taking it. She had so much input and good ideas. We really work well together in spite of what history dictated.

I picked up Gina and Ashlyn on my way to school. Once we got there me and Gina went to the Av studio to get ready. We went over everything one last time on what we were talking about on the announcements. Mr. M walked us though hand ques, camera positions, promoters, we tested our ear pieces and got mic'd up.
We had about five minutes before it was time to go live.

"Ej can I ask you something?" Gina asked a bit nervous

"Yeah what's up?" I answered

"How do I look? Do I look ok?" She asked and I stepped back to look at her

"You look perfect" I said. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it a bit hoping that will calm any nerves that she has. She smiled back at me happy that I said that.

"Thank you.......let's do a teeth check" Gina said she smiled

"You're good....check me" I said then I smiled

"Perfect pearly whites" Gina said then she fixed my collar to my shirt.

"Now you're perfect" Gina said

"Okay you two take your seats. We are ready to count you in" Mr. M said

We then sat down and took our spot and did the announcements.

After it was over it felt like such a relief. Whatever breathe I was holding in I was finally able to let it go.

"We freaking crushed that" Gina said excited

"Gina you were amazing, you were all nervous for nothing" I told her

"I've never did anything like that before....it was fun" Gina admitted

"You both did a excellent job. It's like you both were complete naturals.  I would really love for you both to be the permanent anchors for the morning show" Mr. M said

This was a one time deal, really a test drive for both me and Gina. I wanted to be on the producer/ tech behind the scenes of this but I don't mind being in front of the camera.

"I'll do it if you're in" Gina said to me taking me by surprised

"Great. Same time tomorrow. Drop by after school  to prep for tomorrow" Mr. M said then he walked away

"Gi are you sure you want to do this, it's a lot of work and time to be put into it. You don't have to do this if you don't want to...I can talk to Mr. M to get you out of it " I said to her as I took my mic off and ear piece.

"No don't do that. I actually want to do this. I really had fun doing this with you." Gina said while struggling to unscrew her mic from her.

"Here let me help you" I said and helping her get the mic off.

"I think we make a great team me and you" Gina said smiling as I got the mic off her

"I think so too" I said

"So me and you?" Gina asked

"Me and you" I answered back then we hugged

"Hey guys can we snap a quick picture of you both for the gram" Allen who's our tech came and asked for a picture of us. We posed for the picture and left out to class.

"How do you feel now?" I asked her

"I feel good..it's nice trying something new" Gina said smiling. As we were walking people were coming to say  Hi and tell us good job. People we complimenting Gina, some girls came up to me. I'm use to the attention but it's nice to see Gina get a lot of attention. It looks good on her.

"How are you feeling?....I mean...I guess I should ask you...are you okay with me do this with you. I know av is kinda like your thing. And if you really don't want me to do it. I'll step back" Gina said

"I'm happy that you are doing with me. I like working with you. Remember it's me and you " I answered assuring her I'm good and she smiled

"Me and you....I'll see you later ?"Gina smiled and asked

"I'll see you later" I said then she hugged me and we parted ways.

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