Drama Drama Drama

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"There is absolutely nothing going on with me and Gina. I promise you. We just only get each other from time to time that's it. Nothing more nothing less. Only on a friend level. That's all. I love you Nini and nobody else."

Gina's POV

I had just finished coming off stage from giving one the best performances of my life. It's something about the high I get when I'm performing. I feel like I am on cloud 9. I never want to come down and I never want anything to take away this one moment from me where I feel like I am at my happiest. Something I hardly been experiencing lately.

After our final curtain call I felt so relieved that this is over. I truthfully feel free and I am ready to think about the next thing. What I honestly miss the most right now and what's really next for me is my mom. I miss her. I wish she was here especially to share in my moment with me. Although I am sad she's not here I can somehow find a big smile on my face  because I know I'll be seeing her very soon. I am really finished with East High. This time I truly mean it.

"Gina you were incredible tonight" Ricky said approaching me. I could really use this moment to be a jerk and Lord knows he truly does deserve it but I truly don't have any more energy give and honestly it's not going to matter anyway very soon.

"Thanks. Same to you." I said nicely as I could  and I started to walk away until he kinda stepped in my way to keep me from me not walking  away

"Hey are you coming to Big Red's for the after party?" He asked me. I started to respond but then someone said


I looked away from Ricky to see my mom and my best friend Andre with balloons and a bouquet of lilies. My favorite flowers. My heart sank to the floor with joy to their faces. I thought my mom wasn't here and I couldn't believe Andre was here. I haven't seen him in so long.

I ran into my mom's arms and hugged her tight.

"You were amazing, I am so proud of you, my superstar" my mom whispered in my ear

"I thought you weren't here" I sobbed

"I was here the whole time, and look I'm not alone, we came to surprise you" my mom said excited

"LION, oh my God" I said crying even more seeing him. I left my mom's arms to give Andre a hug.

"I am so proud of you, You killed it out there." He whispered in my ear as I hugged him. He pulled away to stop hugging me. And used both his hands to wipe away my tears that I just couldn't keep from coming down,

"Yo Stop crying, there is no need to cry, it's not that serious" Andre said in a funny way to make feel better. But I couldn't help it. I've missed him so much. I can't even begin to tell you.

"It is that serious, I've missed you so much" I sobbed like a baby

"If you don't stop crying and embarrassing us out here in these streets. You are going to make me tickle you" Andre said but he tickled me anyway. I laughed uncontrollably. I begged him over again and again to stop and he finally did. Then became annoying and kept kissing my cheeks and I had to beg him to stop and until he finally did.

"There she is" Andre said now noticing the big smile on my face after he stopped kissing my face.

"Go grab your things so we can take you out for dinner" My mom said

I took my lilies with me rushing off to the dressing room to get my things. I really wanted to get in and get out before anyone could see me. Thankfully nobody was there in the dressing room that wanted to stop and talk to me.

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