Cinderella The Musical Part 6

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Gina's POV

The communication between me and Ej has been slim to none this week. I've been giving him the silent treatment. No phone calls or FaceTime just short texts.

I've decided to block out all my problems with EJ and everyone and really just focus on the here and now. Right now, I am lead, I just need to focus on my performance. Ej isn't here right now and I can't afford to let whatever that will transpire with me and Ej take me off my focus. I want to give my best to this performance. The show is 2 weeks away now. So it's crunch time. This is a big moment for me.

I was in the auditorium lunch time just wanting to do a quick rehearsal on somethings. I wanted to make sure all of my markers were mark down correctly.

"Gina, there you are" -I looked up and it was Ricky. I haven't been talking to Ricky as well. I haven't really been talking to much to everyone because I really don't know my friends anymore.

"You found me" I said uneventfully so he can see I'm not really in the mood to talk,

"I know your mad at me. I've giving you enough time to calm down and be upset. But now it's time for us to talk" Ricky said

"Ok" I just said. I was looking at Ricky letting him get out what he wants to say.

"So" Ricky said not knowing what to say.

"I'm waiting on an apology. So go on" I said

"I'm sorry Gina. I'm sorry for telling Ej about Jack and the kiss in rehearsal. I know you are upset that I told him. I didn't mean to make you upset, Ej asked me to let him know and I did. I'm just trying to be a friend to him and to you. That's all." Ricky said

"Ricky it looks like you are trying to sabotage my relationship with EJ. It doesn't look like you are trying to be my friend." I said

"I am not trying to sabotage your relationship. I don't want to be in the middle" Ricky said

"Ricky you are. And I know you aren't the only one, but it really bothers me the most that it's you. Why are you getting in the middle of it? " I argued

"I know and I am sorry" Ricky said

"Ricky, I really don't believe you are sorry, if given the chance you would do it again. And for the life of me I don't get why" I said.

"Gina,.....Ok you want to know the truth?" Ricky asked

"Yes" I answered

"It's because I feel that I owe it to you that's why. Look, when I was with Nini, I turned into this person that was obsessed with only my relationship. As a result of that, along the way, I know I've ignored and mistreated you. I wasn't a good friend to you. I'm not happy who I was then especially because we really got each other and you were there for me in a way nobody else was. And I'm not glad how I treated Ej too. He was embarrassed by Nini because of me. Over the summer I known we put the past behind us. But here and now I want to be there for you and prove to you that I care about you as my friend. If showing some support and protection of your relationship let's me prove myself to you and to Ej, then I'm willing to do that. That's the truth" Ricky said

"If you want me to remain as  your friend this is not the way to do it. I don't need you to look out for me in that way. And Ej doesn't need that either. If you want this friendship with me and if you are really rooting for me and Ej, I am asking you to not don't do this. Stop going to Ej and telling him about me and what I'm doing. If you really care anything at all for me then please stop." I said seriously keeping our eye contact

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