Close Call

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Disclosure- Graphic imagine. For mature readers only. Also just to clarify Gina is in college attending NYU a signed professional model and Ej is in his 3rd year of college at Duke University. They are grown doing grown things.

Ej's POV

It's day three of midterms and everyone on campus has been on edge. Myself included. I haven't gotten much sleep because I've been pulling all nighters trying to study and get through all these tests and projects. It's truly been a nightmare.

Class finally ended. I was on my way back to my apartment. I was checking my phone because the grade for my Video Design just posted. This class had a group project as a midterm but the only people in the "group" who did the most work is myself and Harper. The guy Brenden basically did nothing. I hate group assignments if I don't get put in with a good group. Thankfully Harper wasn't bad to work with. Actually she's pretty good. The only thing I hated was having to adjust my schedule around hers. I would have to be up late nights with her and be at her place. It was a lot and it was uncomfortable.

I feel uncomfortable because I don't like how I feel when I'm around Harper. I get butterflies in my stomach, I'm nervous, I get tongue tied sometimes in front of her. I feel really bad for feeling this way because I shouldn't. I'm with Gina and I love her. I should not be attracted to another girl.

I keep trying to tell myself that Harper is just a friend but it just feels dangerous and I really don't think I should continue to be her friend. I don't want to just shut her off because in my major I need all the connections and relationships I can get because this work is not easy. We all need each other to get through this and unfortunately Harper is in my field so I can't just simply avoid her. But I know I need to stay away in order for me to continue to be faithful to Gina. I'm not saying I would purposely do something, I just don't want to be in a position that can hurt Gina and I's relationship.

"Hey Ej! did you see it?" I look up and see Harper approaching me.

"Hey Harper, I'm looking at it now" I said

"Spoiler alert 96.8%. Our project has the highest score" Harper said excited and I was excited looking at it on my phone and I read the comment from our professor that actually says "top class score, great job." I really glad we aced it. That project was hard.

Harper hopped on me and hugged me. I hugged her back carefully not too firm. I can't lie, her scent is mesmerizing. I hope it doesn't leave a lingering effect on clothes or else I'm not going to be able to get her off my mind when I'm trying to.

"We definitely need to celebrate after midterms are over. Drinks on me at Vanon's,...and you can't say no because I know it's your birthday this Friday so you have to eat and drink." Harper said trying to trap me

"I um, I have plans already my friends kinda sorta doing this surprise thing I kinda know about that I'm
actually not suppose to know. If we end up at Vanon's and we happen to link up sure" I said being extra careful with my words

"Um is everything cool with us? I get this feeling that I did something wrong?" Harper asked

"No you did nothing wrong at all. There is nothing wrong. I'm sorry if I seem a little off, I'm just a little stressed. Pay me no attention. We're cool, I'm glad we aced this. Feels like one weight off my shoulders" I said trying to deflect

"That's exactly how I feel, I just basically finished all of my midterms, I'm just excited and ready to party. That Video and Design class..that project was a lot of pressure. But we made it. How many more midterms do you have left?" She asked

"I have two more tomorrow and then I am done. I will finally be able to breathe again. I can't wait" I said

"Sorry to rub it in but the air feels so much better when midterms are done" Harper said sarcastically

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