Cinderella The Musical Part 2

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Ashlyn's POV

I wanted to go and check in with Gina. I went to her room. She was in bed on her phone.

"Can I come in?" I asked

"Come in, please" Gina said smiling then she patted her bed to come sit next to her.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her as I got in bed with her

"I'm ok. What about you?" She asked

"I'm ok too. Rehearsals have been going really well. You think?" I asked

"I really don't know what it is, but I feel like the right new people in the drama club, push us in like the best way.  Do you know what I mean?" Gina was saying

"No I definitely think so too. It's just weird because I feel like how is it possible we are so far into putting the show together. Has it always been this way? Like is it me or is it that last year we were more distracted and it felt like we were never going to get through beauty and the beast?" I added

"We we're definitely more distracted. It didn't help that we had more pressure with like the menkies and stuff." Gina answered

"This time I feel like we know what to expect and we know what to do to like protect ourselves you know and we know who are the snakes and traitors among us" I added

"We weren't prepared at all for what Howie and Lily were capable of." Gina added

"What makes me so mad still is how Howie hurt Court. Then still has the nerve to still work at Slices. I mean I know you have to make a living but why continue working at a business you betray you're bosses son and your ex girlfriend who is a manager. Like it makes no sense to me. If I ever did something like that. I have to quit because I would just be to ashamed to show my face." I said

"That's what bothers me too. And he's still hitting her up. Like Boy BYE" Gina said

"Exactly, but I think she's getting closer to warming up to Teddy"  I said gossiping about our girl

"I love Teddy for her, I'm not even kidding. I love how Teddy and Seb have been working together on piecing her arrangement and it's pushing her" Gina said

"Teddy and Seb's dynamic is full of brotherly love. They learn so much from each other and Seb has gotten so good with switches." I added

"It's funny when Seb and Carlos fight over Teddy, literally everyone does." Gina said laughing a bit

"No seriously. He gives  the best advice, you know who's surprised me. I guess I shouldn't say surprise because we have been keeping one eye open on him and that's Jack" I said

"I honestly think Jack is really happy with just fitting in with us. I'm glad things aren't like awkward with us." She added

"Big Red told me they had a talk with Jack, he didn't tell me all of what was said but what I gather is Jack isn't afraid of them at all. I just think he just understands everyone's situation and really just wants friends." I said spilling the tea

"I get that vibe too from him. I just hope he continues to be himself. I think he's good people" She complimented him

"So I have to ask because you have been quiet for awhile about this. But how are you feeling about the Duke?" I asked her

"Things are good. I miss him" Gina said sadly

"Talk to me, I can tell you are worried" I said hoping to pull it out of her

"It's really nothing, it's just distance is hard sometimes." She said

"I know it's not easy,  have you told him how you are feeling about the distance?" I asked her

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