Something In The Air

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Ricky's POV

I just arrived gate so I can fly home to Salt Lake. I saw a very familiar face sitting down. She looked like she was writing. It was Lilly.

"Lily?" I said sitting down and across from her at the gate. She looked up from writing and to me.

"Ricky? Umm high...funny seeing you here" She said

"I was going to say the same thing...what are you doing in Chicago?" I said to her

".....I had a layover here...I'm actually coming from Boston. My mom lives there....what about you?" Lily asked me

"My mom lives here in Chicago...I was here visiting her" I said surprised that we kind are doing the same thing and visiting the same type of parent.

" on the awards....I did want to say I am sorry for you know how I acted while  you know during the whole musical thing. I think you did amazing as a beast." Lily said

"It's all were great as Belle. You have a great voice" I complimented her back

"Thank you. That means a lot coming from you" She said. I didn't really know how to respond to that so I changed the subject.

"So...uh...what are you working on?" I asked her  nodding towards her notepad

"'s nothing really...I like to write poetry and I've been lately....dabbling in song writing. Im new at it .....not good at it yet " She said insecurely

"I can maybe give you some pointers...if maybe you are open to it." I offered to her

"Really?......thank you...I'd love that" she said smiling..she handed me her notebook. I looked over what she was writing. She really is good.

"Why do you do that thing where you pretend to be insecure but actually turn out to be like a beast at what you do?" I asked her

"What do you mean?" She asked confused

"Before the audition at East acted like you were new at doing theatre, you show up singing like you were the actual character from the you say that you aren't good at song writing now I look at it, you are actually good...why do you pretend that you are something you are not?" I asked her

"I don't try to be something I'm not. Look I know I come off as competitive, sometimes rude or I'm sure so many other things that you may can think of...but not really me....." Lily said

"So who are you?" I asked her

"Wouldn't you like to know" Lily said brushing me off

"I do that's why I'm asking" I said

"Well...that's still to be discovered...and with time and the right people...I think I'll come to be sure of that pretty soon" Lily said avoiding giving an honest answer.

"I think you know, you're just afraid" I challenged her

"Maybe I'm not or maybe I what if I am?" She challenged back

"I think you will make things a lot easier on yourself if don't be afraid." I said honestly to her

"..........................that's good advice.....I'll try it sometime" She said

It was time to board the plane. We boarded together and ended up sitting next to each other. Once we took off we talked about what she was writing. It was her song called scream. It was powerful. My only tip for her was to move a verse to make it apart of her bridge. She liked my tip and she made the adjustment.

"Can I ask you what makes you scream?" I asked her referring to her song

"'s about my mom" She said nervously to tell me

"Oh" I said not sure how to respond. Like I want to know but it's not my business

" mom and dad split up when I was home life has been pretty confusing ever since and it makes me want to scream" she answered

"I feel that....moms aren't always the perfect parent like society tries to portray that they are" I said agreeing with her

"Exactly....I do love my mom....I just don't think she loves me the way she says she does and I want to scream and tell her it's not the same....if she really loved me, she wouldn't choose her job over me and my dad...she wouldn't have let her marriage fail, she wouldn't have started a new family...she wouldn't have became a person that I don't really know but still love in some confusing way........I'm sorry that was too much information " Lily said getting that off her chest aggressively but seeming embarrassed

"No, you have literally nothing to be embarrassed about, we actually have a lot in common. I'm going through the same thing that you are going through with your mom....I don't know if you heard about me walking off stage when we did high school musical the musical at East was because I saw my mom in the audience and she had the nerve to bring her boyfriend to the show without giving me a heads up.... My mom didn't even let the ink dry after signing the divorce papers from my dad and then shows up with her new freaked me out....I still haven't really been able to forgive her for that " I told her

"Wow, that's not okay...I couldn't blame you...I would really need some time to get over that." Lily said understanding

" this was my first time seeing her since that night.....I still don't if I really forgive her to be honest" I said

"....I'm sorry....well atleast you give her a chance to come...I haven't invited my mom to come to any of my shows...just so that I can avoid that very thing that happened to you. I would have came off that stage and probably yelled at my mom if I saw that" Lily said honestly it was kind of funny. Both of us laughed.

"It's really rare to have someone to talk to about this with. Thank're a really good listener" Lily complimented

"You're a good listener too. It is refreshing to talk to someone about this...not a lot of people really get it you know" I agreed

"This goes without saying but I'm going to say it anyway...this will always remain between me and you. Pinky promise" she said extending her pinky finger to me and I locked my pinky finger to hers.

For the rest of the plane ride we talked and really connected. I was surprised with how much we had in common. From our families, music, food, video games and even tv and movies. Lily is really cool.

I'm not sure at what point but at some point we both fell asleep. She was cuddled to up next to me. The stewardess woke us both up. We didn't even know we landed already. We both got up and got in line to exit the plan. Once we got to the arrivals for pick ups, my dad was there and her dad was there for her.  We exchanged numbers and hugged before we parted ways.

My dad asked me if his eyes were fooling him but did he actually see me hug Lily. I told him it was her and how I ended up on the same plane together and we sat together on the plane ride back. We had a good talk and we're cool. He was surprised but thought that was nice. He asked about Mom. I said it was cool and acted excited so that he wouldn't ask so many questions  and I won't have to say talk too long about it.  I don't ever want to go back to Chicago again.

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