Love Sick

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Ricky's POV

The girls were asking where Ashlyn where was Gina at in lunch. I know Ashlyn came to school late today. Gina I haven't seen all morning. Finally Ashlyn showed up at lunch and she sat down with us at the table.

Courtney- "Belle, is everything ok? You don't look so good."

Nini-" You look exhausted. Are you ok?"

Ashlyn- "Sorry, it was such a long night. My parents and I took Gina to the emergency room last night because she wasn't feeling good. Turns out she has the flu. I'm not sick or anything, I'm just still sleepy from being up all night. It took forever for a Doctor to come see Gi"

Nini-" Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope she feels better"

Ashlyn- " Me too, I hate to see her sick. She was pretty out of it."

Big Red-" Have you told Ej?"

Ashlyn-"Yeah, I texted him this morning, he knows"

Courtney- " Is there anything we can bring to help her feel better?"

Ashlyn-" she's fine, my parents took care of everything, fully stocked the house and everything"

Big Red- " Are you guys still going to your cousin's wedding this weekend?

Ashlyn- "I want to but if Gina doesn't feel better by the end of the week I'm not going to go. I'm pretty sure Ej isn't going to either"

While everyone was talking I decided to text Gina. I just wanted to check on her and make sure she was okay and let her know I hope she feels better. It seems like she has the flu really bad especially since she went to the hospital. I'm really worried about her.  I didn't get any response back from her yet.

Ashlyn- "Poor GiGi, this weekend we have my cousin's wedding, Ej is flying in a few days, he was excited to bring her and now he can't.."

Big Red- "are you going?"

Ashlyn-"I'm really not sure, it's a no for me for now"

I still didn't get a text back from Gina yet. She might be sleeping or maybe on the phone with her mom. I'm not sure. But I really hope she texts me back. I just want to know if she is okay.

After lunch was over Big Red and I walked to our next class.

Big Red- " I'm actually really sad to hear Gina is sick. I'm actually worried. I really want her to feel better"

Me-"Me too, it seems like she has the flu pretty bad."

Big Red-" it does. I texted my mom to make her special chicken noodle soup for Gina. I'm going to pick up today and take to her"

Me-"can I come with you. I thought maybe I'd come play her some music. Music also has a way of making people feel better."

Big Red- "oh no"

Me-" oh no, why are you saying oh no like that?"

Big Red- " you have that look in your eye.  Are you crushing on Gina again?"

Me- "Me , No. she's with EJ. I wouldn't do that Ej. And plus Gina and I just started being cool again. Things with me and her are fine."

Big Red-" Ricky"

Me- " Okay maybe just a little bit. Maybe I am crushing on her a little bit. But like I said I'm not trying get in between her and Ej."

Big Red- " Dude admitting you have a bit of a crush on her is getting in between them. Dude you can't like Gina in that way again."

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