Camp Shallow Lake: The Series Finale

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The Morning Of The Show

Ej's Pov

I personally went to wake up Mia, Val and Cube super early in the morning. It was important that I meet with them because we had very important business to handle. We met in the head office for our meeting.

"What's going on?" Val asked still half sleep.

"Look, I called this emergency meeting because I did something a couple of days ago and finally it's here." I said

"What did you do?" Mia asked them yarning

"Spill the beans already would you" Val said impatient

"I can't help who I am. I am still my father's child......I called my family's attorney to set up a lawsuit with Disney for Non-payment of service under my production company's name EJC Film & Productions. Disney opted to settle and pay restitution. I have checks for each of you for $125,000 each to walk away on behalf of my company EJC Film & Productions thank you guys for all your hard work on this show."I said then I handed them their checks.

"What are you serious?" Mia asked shocked and then started to wake up. I just laughed at them all being shocked.

"I need you all to sign here to confirm that you received your check" I said handing them release forms from my company.

" did even get me into this? I barely did anything" Cube asked

"You're head of security for tonight's show under my company." I explained

"You are one evil genius" Cube said making me laugh

"How did you even manage to pull this off?...when did you even have time to pull this off? Mia asked shocked while signing her receipt.

"I told you guys, I was making some pretty big moves that I thought would help me. I have something to prove. The only way I'm able to prove to my father that I can be a success without doing things his way was to make a big move. This was my opportunity to show him that I can bring what he's taught me into what I'm doing was the only way......we been through it this summer and there's no way I would have survived it without you guys by my side....Plus if we are going to go at this whole "growing up"thing and we are getting control of our trust funds....then the best we can do is keep adding to it...or if you're like me and don't want to touch that money and you want you're own then this is a good place to start" I explained

"Ej....Have I told you how much I love you and how proud I am of you" Mia said jokingly coming to hug me

"Only but all the time" I said jokingly

"Bro, thanks for this. Thanks for advocating and sharing the profit. You didn't have to do that. You could have kept the money to yourself" Cube added

"Yes, thank you Rocketman" Val said coming to hug me.

"You're Welcome..... it was only right that I did this. You guys have really been there for me...especially when I needed you guys the if I can fully express how much I appreciate you this was what I thought was the best way to express that. Oh and please......please please please keep this between us. Don't tell anyone what I did. Please keep it to only us 4" I said

"Oh I'm gatekeeping this" Mia said

"I've lost the key to the gate" Val added

"What money?" Cube said

"Exactly" I said

This felt so good to do. This was my first ever business accomplishment. I can't wait to see how my father reacts to this and reacts to my plan. Hopefully he will be here tonight so he can see all of what I've done. I really want him to be proud of me for this.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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