Camp Shallow Lake: The Series Part 2

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Ej's POV

It's normal for me to wake up early and get a head start to the day. I got up, made my bed, showered and got dressed all in time for our morning meetings with Dewey.

Cube and I were arriving at the same time making coffee.

"Morning Bro....or should I say Mr. Director" Cube joked

"Please don't remind me" I said while we were doing our handshake.

"Bro what are you freaking out for? Chill you're going to be fine. You got this" He said

"Yeah no "pressure", hey it's not like this isn't going to be streaming in over 100 countries world wide" I said

"Dude. Don't freak out. You will only make things worse.......what you need to do is make sure you're up early enough for squad meditation"He said

"That's right. You tell him Cube"

I look to see Mia coming over to us. She came first over to me. I gave her a hug.

"I came here to relax. I didn't plan on directing a show. Hey if any one of you want to direct I will GLADLY step aside and let you" I said

"Ha, nice try....but respectfully bruhh we completely decline that's alllll YOU" Cube said

"Hey, just relax...ok...we've got your back plus you have me doing choreography, Strawberry helping to keep you organized with the cast, scripts and whatever else you need, Gadget on tech and design...that's like your all star team right there. Marching right beside you to victory." She encouraged and that really helped me to calm down.

"Thanks Mia." I said

"Close your eyes and just and out" she encouraged me. She noticed how bad my anxiety was getting out of control.

Closing my eyes I took deep breathes in and then released them. It was really helping me. Once I felt calm I opened my eyes. I became focused but calm.

"Thanks Mia" I said to her

"Of course....yeah you definitely need to make sure you get your meditation in for the day. It always helps" she said

"You know what, whatever is helpful, I'm willing to do it" I said

Dewey then got started with the meeting. He gave us some updates and let us know what's on the schedule for today. The meeting was short and informative as usual. I went back to making coffee that I never finished for myself then I made some for Gina. She's going to be awake soon. I want to be able to be the first person she spends time with in the morning.

I head over to the barn because I told her last night to meet me at the barn first thing in the morning. I sat on the front patio with both of our mugs. When I got there I sat down and looked over my notes for today that I made.

"Oh my God is that Ej Caswell from Frozen: the musical the series" Gina said playfully

"They would never call it that, its way too long of a title" I said laughing then handing her mug of fresh hot coffee. Just like the way she likes it.

"Thank you babe....mhm this is good" she said after accepting it and taking her first sip. She then carefully leaned in to kiss me without spilling her coffee over me. She took a seat right next to me.

"How did you sleep on your first night here babe?" I asked her

"Surprisingly very well. I really didn't think I would but I did" She said

"Good. I'm glad" I said to her then I looked back down at my notes.

"What's that you're looking at?" She asked

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