Its Cold In Salt Lake City

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Ricky's POV

We just got done filming a promo video for our theatre Instagram page or at least so we thought. Ms. Jenn forgot to hit record and now we have to start all over again.

I noticed that Nini has been in a mood all day today. I can't help but think she is mad at me for something. Hopefully she just opens up and talks about what's going on with her.

" everything okay?" I asked her

"Everything is good Ricky" Nini said a little sad.

"It doesn't seem like want to talk about it?" I asked while holding her hand

"Its just don't get me wrong. I love being back here and being with everyone and I'm grateful for Ms. Jenn adding me into the's just....I didn't know it would bother me so much. This whole play....I'm not really into it" Nini said and I'm not happy to hear that because I went to bat for Nini to get a part in this so that we can have more time together.

We got into our places and while we waited for our part to happen we were still talking.

"So what are you saying? You want to quit?" I asked her

"What I'm really saying is I shouldn't have agreed to this. I am thinking about quiting" Nini said as it was our time to do our part at least I thought. I accidentally came out of the space to early and not paying attention I bumped into Gina as she was spinning and she fell hard.

"Oh my God Gina... I'm so sorry Gina are you ok.....Gina tell me where it hurts....Gina?" I asked bending down to Gina holding her leg in pain. I feel so bad. Nini wants to quit and now I caused the best dancer here to get hurt.

"GET AWAY FROM ME RICKY" Gina yelled at me...obviously she is in pain so I won't take that to much to heart.

"Oh dear God" Ms. Jenn panicked

"Nice going Ricky...........I got you Gi" Ej said while picking her up

"Take Gina to the nurses office." Ms. Jenn said to Ej

Carlos told everyone to take a long five. I went over to Nini to talk to her in private.

"Nini what is going on with you?" I asked confused

"Ricky honestly I don't even know how to explain it" Nini said

"Just say whatever first comes to mind" I suggested

"Right now.....I just feel like my heart isn't in this and I am wasting my time. I'm just feeling a little frustrated about it. I feel like I'm in a identity crisis mode right now....I'm trying to figure it all out and honestly I need you to step back so that I can process and work it out" Nini said freaking out but  that sounded like break up words to me.

"What does step back mean....are your breaking up with me?" I asked confused

"It means your being clingy more than usual and it's driving me crazy....I don't mean to hurt your feelings but I am really trying to find myself here. I don't need you to add on anymore pressure than I already feel and I didn't want you to go behind my back against my wishes to get me in a play that I actually don't like. Why did you do that?" Nini asked frustrated

"Woah, ok, be mad at me for that but are just as equally clingy as I am to you....but anyway that's not the point. Listen I am sorry about going behind your back like this. I never meant to do this to hurt you. I did it so that we have more time together and that way you can be with your friends. We all care about you and we missed you and we really do need you." I said honestly

"I have to accomplish and earn parts on my own merit not you or anyone else trying to manipulate it to give it to me. I am tired of always finding myself in situations like this." Nini said upset

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