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Ashlyn's POV

Things have became so intense in drama club. Between working hard to win the Menekie, putting on a show, some of us trying to figure out our futures, and really we are all falling away as friends. We're suppose to be a family and I hate the way things are falling apart in our relationships. It's been hard to be all together when you don't want to get in the middle of anything that's going on. So in that same spirit. I called for a girls weekend.

I invited Nini and Courtney over to have a sleepover with me and Gina. I thought it would be fun to do a paint night which I thought would be different and fun. Then of course we played games. We did each others nails and facials. It was a lot of fun.

"Ashlyn this is the best sleep over ever. I can't tell you how bad I really needed this....yet alone happy to be here with all of you" Nini said

"It has been awhile since we have been able to be all together just us ladies" Courtney agreed

"That's why I did this. To get us back together. We all needed this....we need each other"I said

"I really want to say how sorry I am for everything. I feel responsible for things getting out of hand with Ricky and it really put a lot of stress on our relationships....Gina I want to say sorry to you especially. I still had feelings for Ricky even after we had broke up. But I want you to know before you knew you were going to move...I could see that you and Ricky had feelings for each other. And I was not going to come in between that. Then when it came to be that you were staying I never addressed Ricky about how he felt about you knowing there was still a chance he may have still had feelings for you......if I had the courage to would have saved us so much time and heartbreak." Nini said emotionally.

"I'm sorry for being mean to you on the first day....I'm just really competitive, I love theatre and I push to be the best. I just wanted to be the star of the show and I was doing what it took or at least I thought to get you out so I could play Gabriella. But by doing so I ended up with feelings for Ricky and somehow with real friends that I never had before. And I think what's more important are my friendships with all of you..including you Nini. I never over stepped my boundaries with Ricky to step on your toes while you were together. Because then I truly did come to care for you.........and you know you don't have to apologize because....honestly whatever feelings he may have or may have not had for me could and would never come close to how he feels about you." Gina said emotionally

I got up from my seat to go get a box of tissues because this is a really emotional moment here. This is finally happening. Finally truth and love are setting us free.
I'm so proud of Gina and Nini. They hugged and everything

"Gina, if you stayed me and Ricky wouldn't have gotten back together" Nini admitted

"Well let's just agreed to disagree" Gina joked and we all laughed pathetically while using tissue to dry our eyes.

"I think everything happened the way it needed to. I have no regrets" Gina said sincerely

"You too. No regrets" Nini said sincerely as well.

"Ok enough about boyfriends past what about the future boyfriend. We need the tea G" Courtney said making light of the moment. What's interesting is Ej has feelings for Gina. Gina has feelings for Ej. But I don't know what type of feelings they are and I don't think she knows either. They both are too scared to admit it to each other.

"There's really no tea to share" Gina answered

"Do you still like Ej?" I spilled that tea by accident because lowkey I'm rooting for them.

"Oh my god you do like him" Courtney said

"Yes, I do like him. I didn't know you guys didn't know. I thought you knew Court" Gina said

"Yeah but that's the first time I'm hearing you admit it" Courtney said

"Oh, well yeah. I really do like him....I just feel a bit insecure about liking him....A. I'm freshly past this situation and I'm scared to put myself out there again. B. I'm younger than him and I'm worried that I may not can live up to his expectations he may want out of a relationship" Gina admitted

"Age is just a number. Two people who truly care about each other will go at a pace they both agree to and both will be equally happy. Don't hold yourself back G. Give it a chance" Nini encouraged

"I'm sorry this is weird. We don't have to talk about this" Gina said being considerate of Nini

"No we can talk about this. I have zero feelings for Ej. That ship came and left and never to return" Nini admitted

"Do you guys really think I have a chance with EJ?" Gina asked

"YES" Me, Court, & Nini said at the same time and we all laughed

"Ok well tell me how you really feel" Gina said laughing and taken by surprise

"Ej or any guy for that matter would be lucky to have you as their girlfriend" I said encouraging her

"But he's going to be leaving you think it's even worth it?" Gina asked

"If two people care enough about each other they will make it work no matter where their are...speaking from experience" Nini said

"Maybe you're right. I guess we will have to see what happens" Gina said hopeful

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