Chapter 1

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English isn't my first language, so if you see typos I'm sorry. !Also just a quick warning, this story does contain erotic scenes! Enjoy :)

I got off the subway and found my way out of the station. With my head tilted I looked around. I sighed out of relief. This area is beautiful. I had survived step 1, the road to here. Meanwhile I had survived a week long argument with my parents, traveled more than 1000 km and survived a drive from 12 hours from the Netherlands to Italy. But here I was, my dream city Milaan. The last three nights I slept in dirty hostels with way too many people. My apartment hunt continued. I looked at three rooms already but they either were way too small, too expensive of with creepy people. I had to increase my budget, which I really did not want, because I didn't have a lot of money to begin with. But today I was hopeful and also a bit desperate. School started in two days and all the rooms on campus were full. I found my way to the appartement. I sighed and knocked on the door. A girl opened the door.

"What?" She looked annoyed at me.

"Uh, I'm here for the room" I stuttered.

"Oh, come in" she stepped aside so I could enter. This place was nice. It was nicely decorated and looked clean. I followed the girl into the room. There was a bed, a desk and a closet.

"Previous girl left it behind so if you want it's yours" she said, while shrugging her shoulders.

It is a little pricy for me, but it was only for two months before I would head back so this looked like my best option.

"I'll take it, where do I sign?" I smiled at the girl.

"Just give me the money and I'll give you a key" she said. It looked a little sketchy, but I really wanted the room so I gave her the money.

We talked for a few minutes and then she handed me the key. I found out her name is Kate and she studies at a college for art.

"So, I'm going out with some friends, make yourself at home I guess" she said while walking out.

I rolled my eyes, what a pleasant girl. I let myself fall backwards onto the bed. This was going to be great. I reminded myself that I had to buy some stuff, I came with almost nothing. My mom didn't let me take much, as she didn't like me coming here. But it was a once in a lifetime experience. My school back home had a exchange program and I won. I get to go to a school in Milaan for two months. I always wanted to go to Milaan, but when I was a kid we never had money to go on vacation, so I worked my ass off over the last summer to get as much money before I left. My school thought that I could rent something decent for 300 euro's a month, but they were so wrong.

I jumped off the bed, grabbed my jacket and purse. I looked at my watch, it was now 11 am, I had a meeting with the person I was paired with at 4 pm, so I had a bit of time. Just a quick look around the city and then onto buying stuff.

After walking a few minutes I see this cute little cafe. My stomach makes a weird sound and I realize I haven't ate in a few hours. I find a spot and plop down. I look around, most of the tables are full. I spot a cute couple, some people working and sitting next to me are a few guys. The guys seem to be having fun. I wonder if I would make friends soon. Back home I don't have a lot of friends. I do have one best friend, but that's really it. Watching these guys having fun with each other makes me a little jealous. The guy with the sunglasses sees me staring and smiles. He looks cute. His friends look at me too, but quickly turn back around.

I'm startled when a waiter starts talking to me. I apologize and quickly order what I want. Only a few minutes later the waiter comes back with a sandwich and a pepsi. I finish the sandwich in no time. The guys at the table beside me stand up. Just when I'm about to drink my pepsi a guy runs into me, splashing the pepsi everywhere. I look down and my clothes are completely soaked. I quickly stand up to rub most of it off.

"Watch it!" I sound angry, which I am, but I didn't mean to sound this angry.

"Oh my god I am so sorry" the guy says, holding his hands up in the air like I'm gonna attack him or something.

"You are so clumsy, Lando" another guy says. They laugh.

"You tripped me!" Lando says while giving the other guy a push.

I look at my phone and it's completely soaked and lays scattered on the floor.

"Oh no" I say while picking it up. Great, this is just what I need. I don't have money to buy a new phone. I try to dry the phone a bit to see if it still works, but it's dead.

"Here, let me make it up to you, there is a phone store within walking distance, I will buy you a new phone" Lando says. I look at him to see if he's joking, but he looks serious.

"No, that's to much, it was an accident, I'll put the phone in rice and tomorrow it will probably work." As I look at the phone the battery falls out.

"Well Lando, your kind of busy, we are going back to the hotel. See you later" one of the guys says and they walk of laughing.

"Dick" Lando yells as they walk of.

He looks at me with pity. "Just let me buy you a new phone, it's the least I can do."

I sigh. "Oke, fine, thank you" I force a smile. I don't like receiving gifts, but I do really need a phone. I quickly pay the waiter and we walk towards the phone shop.

"You need to change first or you'll get sick, do you live nearby or do we need to take a taxi?"

"I live nearby, but my clothes can wait, I don't want to take too much of your time."

"Oh no, it's fine, lead the way. I'm Lando by the way" he holds out his hand.

"Mia" I say as I shake his hand.

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