Part 2: Chapter 4

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"Are you going to be ok?" Kelly asks when she sees my face going white. I sigh deep. "Yes. I'm going to be fine" I respond. Truth is that I don't know how I'm going to react when I see him again. My stupid head didn't even think he would be here. Of course he is going to be here. "How do I look?" I ask when I get out of the taxi and straighten my dress. "You look hot" Kelly says with a smile on her face. When we walk towards the boat there is even a security Gard. Max walks up to him and gives him our names. The boat is fucking huge. On our left is the kitchen. We go straight up the stairs to the top deck. There is a bar and a dance space. I grab a shot from the bar and drink it with one gulp. "Lets fucking go" Max says as he also grabs a shot.

I thought we came early, but there are already a bunch of people. I try my best to find Carlos, but  I don't know where he is. Finally I spot him. "Happy birthday, birthday boy" I say and hug him. Suddenly my present feels stupid, but I hand it to him anyways. "Ah, you didn't have to do that" he says, but immediately rips away the wrapping paper. "It's silly, but I thought maybe you'd like it" I say. "Oh my god, thanks Mia" Carlos says when he sees what I got him. I got him a few glasses, with the recipe and items to make my famous tequila cocktail. He puts it on the table with all his other presents. Wow, my present looks really crappy next to the Nintendo Switch. When Carlos is being called away I quickly put my present at the back. Yep, that's better.

"I thought it looked pretty good right where it was." Chills run through my spine. I turn around and see Lando standing a few inches away from me. God, he looks good. "Hi" I say flustered, nothing more comes out. I take a good look at him. "You look good" I say. It's true. He looks absolutely fine. "So do you." I can't quite place the look on his face. It's like he's looking right through me. "So, how are you?" he asks. Before I can answer Carlos throws his arms around Lando. I use this as my excuse to slip away. I quickly look back as I walk away, but Lando his attention is focused on Carlos.

"Aren't you enjoying yourself?" Max asks when he sits down beside me, he hands me a glass of wine. I don't know how long I've been sitting here, watching people enjoy themselves. Well, watching Lando enjoy himself. Girls are almost falling at his lips. God, it fucking annoys me. "Having a blast" I try not to sound too sarcastic, but it doesn't work well for me. "He seems to be enjoying himself" I say, watching Lando dance with his friends. "He does" Max says, as honest as he is. "I hate wine" I say, but drink it in one gulp anyway. "Don't focus on Lando so much, come" Max holds out his hand. With a sigh I let him pull me off the couch. "Where are we going?" I ask when Max drags me downstairs. I look around, I didn't know this boat was this huge. "There is a dance floor downstairs also" Max says before we turn a corner. I dance the night away with Kelly and Charlotte. I look around a few times, but don't see Lando. So eventually I give up.

Suddenly I feel him staring at me. I don't know how, but I know it's him. I try to ignore it and keep on dancing. I put my arms over Charlotte's shoulders and sway my hips. I quickly look over my shoulder and see he's still staring at me. His face looks focused, a little dark. He bites his bottom lip, as if he's holding himself back. Like he wants to come over, but doesn't. A part of me wishes he would. Or maybe I'm going crazy and seeing things. Yes, it's probably the second one. When I give him a second look, I see Carlos wrapping his arm over Lando's shoulders. Lando doesn't even look at Carlos, his eyes are locked on me. "Is it hot in here?" I ask Charlotte. "Yes, yes it is. Give me a moment" she says laughing, making her way back to where Charles is standing. I turn to Max and Kelly.

"I need some air" I say, completely out of breath. "Want me to come with you?" Kelly says, she has her arms around Max his neck. "No, stay here. I'll be back in a second" I say before squirming through the crowd. I lean my arms on the railing, looking out over the water. Monaco really is beautiful.

"Enjoying the view?" I don't even have to turn around to see who it is. I look over my shoulder and see Lando leaning against the glass door. "I am."

"You walked off pretty quickly" Lando says as he walks up to me. "Yeah." I don't really know what to say to him. That I miss him? That I think about him every day? That I lay awake wondering what went wrong? Nothing that would help comes to mind.

"So how are you, really?" he asks. "Getting there" I say, forcing out a smile. "Good." His arm brushes against mine. I gasp. "I miss you" Lando says. I look at him, a bit taken back. I don't know why I'm surprised. "Lando" I sigh. He holds his hands up. "I know what you're going to say. But I just miss hanging out with you" he says. "I miss hanging out with you too" I say.

"So, maybe we can try something new?" he suggests. "What's that?"

"Friends?" he says while holding his hand out, waiting for me to shake it. I raise my eyebrows when I realize he's being serious. Well, if that's what he wants. At least I'll get to hang out with him. Let's see where this ship ends up. "Sure, friends" I say and grab his hand.

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