Chapter 55

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Woehoe a new chapter on my birthday, enjoy!🧡🎁

I haven't spoken to Lando much these past days, it's now Wednesday already. He probably left to go to Monaco already. Which is where he races this weekend. I texted him the day after our first fight, that we should probably talk. Lando wanted to focus on this weekend first, he told me we could talk after.

I sigh and look around me. I sit on the stairs leading to my front door with a cigarette in my hand. I quit a long time ago, but these past few days I picked up my old habit. I look like shit. My eyes are puffy from crying and the bags under my eyes speak for themselves.

"You know smoking kills right?"

I look beside me and see Pierre walking towards me. I make some room and he sits down next to me. "Don't really care to be honest," I answer, "I love how it feels."

"For a little while" Pierre says. "Guess I just have to do it more then" I reply.

"You look.. well" Pierre almost stumbles over his words.

"I look like shit."

"Yes, you do. Sorry."

"Came to check on me?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. "Don't be an asshole" Pierre says. I look at him, my eyebrows raised. I guess he is right though. "Sorry."

"How are you? For real" Pierre asks. I sigh. "Great" I say sarcastic. "Shouldn't you go to Monaco?" 

"Yes, I'm leaving in about half an hour. I just wanted to see you were ok" Pierre says.

"You wanted to see if I'm still alive."


"It's a joke, Pierre."

"Don't joke about that, you're weird."

"I know you like it like that" I wink at him. As soon as the words come out of my mouth I wish I could have taken them back. Pierre blushes and avoids eye contact.

Pierre stands up. "Are you sure I can't convince you to come with me?" Pierre asks. I shake my head. "I'm sure Pierre. Good luck this weekend, drive save" I say.

"Never" Pierre jokes as he walks back to his car. I finish my second cigarette. I quickly grab my things for school and head out.

I live on auto pilot for the next few days. I try to not watch the qualification of the race, but I can't help myself. This circuit is very dangerous. Walls everywhere. Why the hell do they even allow this? Lando does fine, and then Charles crashes. Luckily he's ok. Charlotte must have had a mini heart attack. I grab my phone and decide to ask her how she's doing.

Mia 17:01 p.m.: You ok?

Charlotte 17:02 p.m.: Yes fine, how are you?

Mia 17:02 p.m.: Fine.

Charlotte 17:03 p.m.: Not coming this weekend?

Mia 17:03 p.m.: Nope.

Charlotte 17:04 p.m.: Ok. Wanna hang out next weekend? You can come to Monaco?

Mia 17:06 p.m.: Sure. I'll book a ticket for Friday afternoon.

Charlotte 17:28 p.m.: Great, see you then

Kate comes home that night and sees me sitting on the couch. "Well, you've been productive" she says sarcastically. "Yup, that's me."

Kate throws her bag on the ground, grabs something out of her jacket and joins me on the couch. "Movie night?" she asks. "I choose," I say, "we're not watching another romcom."

"Fine by me."

On Sunday I sleep in late and watch the race. Max, Carlos and Lando do really well. Lando finishes third. I wonder if he'll look as bad as I do. I wonder if he thinks about me as much as I think of him. Lando gets out of his car and jumps into the arms of his engineers. He looks happy. Lando takes his helmet off. He looks absolutely fine. Like he slept like a baby. He gives the interview and is constantly smiling and joking with Carlos and Max. Well, I guess he really is doing great. I can't help myself and watch the podium ceremony, where there's even more laughter. I know he's happy he came third. But I would have thought I would see something. Something on his face that would tell me he misses me too. But guess not.

Lando's pov.

"Thank for tonight guys," I say to my engineers and the staff, "great day!" I try to sound as happy as possible. I checked my phone a few times to see if Mia texted me, but nothing. Guess she didn't watch. I grab my phone and turn it off. I'm done checking for fucks sake. I head out and walk towards the parking place.

As soon as I get to my car I realize I left my wallet in the room me and a few of the other guys had drinks in. I quickly sprint back. When I get to the room my wallet luckily is still there. I grab it and walk back to my car.

"Pierre, you haven't left yet?" Charles asks. He, what are Charles and Pierre still doing here? "No," Pierre says softly, "I needed time to think." I walk towards the room they are sitting in. "Do you want to talk about it?" Charles asks. "It's Mia" Pierre sighs. I want to walk in, but decide to wait when I hear Mia's name. "What about Mia?"

"I don't know. I saw her Wednesday. She looked like shit. I keep wanting to see her, to bump into her, but I run out of excuses."

"Oh man. You should really talk to Lando. You barely looked at him today" Charles says. Where the fuck is this conversation going.

"Yeah. Well, what the fuck am I supposed to say to him. Because 'Hey Lando, I'm sort of falling for your girlfriend' sounds really great" Pierre says sarcastically.

"What the fuck?" I say. I can't bite my tongue for any longer. "You're what?"

"Shit Lando, I didn't know you were here still" Pierre says. Shock written all over his face. "Yeah, I forgot my wallet. Good thing that I did, really." I sound fucking pissed. I knew, I knew there was something there. It wasn't just in my head.

"Lando, I didn't. I.. I didn't mean" Pierre says, but I cut him off before he can say anything else. "Don't even bother, really. See you around, Charles" I say as I turn around. "He'll come around" Charles says to Pierre. Why the fuck does everybody think I will come around? "Glad one of us will" I hear Pierre say. Drama queen, fucking dickhead. I clench my fist. I could hit the first guy who says anything annoying.

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