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"ANNA HUNTER? IS ANNA HUNTER HERE?" Mr Feeny asked, searching the class for the young girl

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"ANNA HUNTER? IS ANNA HUNTER HERE?" Mr Feeny asked, searching the class for the young girl. Eric had to hold a hand to her mouth to silence her giggles as they hid in the closet at the back of the class.

"Goldie, if you don't shush he'll find us in here.."

"Too late." Mr Feeny smiled fakely as he opened the door. "Hello, would you two like to join the class?" Eric glanced at Anna before smirking, leaning against the closet.

"No, that's alright Mr Feeny. Thanks for the offer." Anna began giggling again, Eric shushing her and smiling at Mr Feeny. Both children smiled at the man in a similar, 'innocent' fashion, earning an eye roll from the older man.

"Would you two get in your seats?" Eric cleared his throat before nodding, putting his hands up in defense.

"You know Mr Feeny, maybe if you would teach something more interesting, we wouldn't want to hide in the closet so much."

"Oh yeah? And what do you suggest?"

"Bugs bunny!" Eric and Anna shouted in unison, clapping their hands together as they smiled at each other. Mr Feeny looked back at the children nervously, then up at the celing.

"Why? Of all the children in Philadelphia, why have you sent me these spawns of satan?"

"Look Goldie, I'm a pig!" Eric shouted. Anna giggled loudly and came over to the boy, the two kids using Feeny's tape despenser to make silly faces. The class was enjoying it, they always enjoyed the gags the two would do. Mr Feeny however, had given up trying to get the two in their seats. The two never listened when they were 5, why should 9 be any different.

"Seats, you both. I won't say it again."

"Don't be such a downer Mr Feeny, we saved some tape for you." Anna explained, holding out her hand to give to the man. He took the tape before throwing it out in the garbage. The two children looked at each other before sighed, walking to their seats.

Anna pulled the tape off Eric's face as he squeezed his face to brace himself. And in one swift rip, Eric's screams echoed across the classroom.

"Oh shush you baby." Anna teased, pulling the tape off her face with no problem. Eric sighed in defeat, pulling the rest of the tape from his face, crumbling all the tape into a ball.

"This is all you fault Goldie." He chucked the ball of tape at her, Anna rolling her eyes before sticking the tape ball to his shirt.

"Excuse me, but I told you the closet wouldn't work." Eric rolled his eyes, mocking the girl. She hit the back of his head before turning back to Mr Feeny.

"History, dead people. It's done, it's over, let's move on!" Eric mumbled, rolling his eyes. He wanted to leave, but he couldn't. So he settled for doodling on a notebook page.

Soon enough, Eric and Anna were passing notes back and forth, trying to fill the time until class was done.

"Passing notes are we mr Matthews?"

"Mr. Feeny, it hurts that you think so little of me. I'm simply, copying notes from the lesson."
Eric smirked, his hand covering the words written on the page.

"Oh, well then Mr Matthews, you wouldn't mind if I took a look..." Eric grabbed the note smiling.

"Feeny Feeny, I'm not finished yet, genius work takes time." Mr Feeny reached to grab the paper, making Eric panic. As a last resort, Eric crumbled up the paper and shoved it in his mouth, chewing it, and swallowing it whole.

"To be fair Mr. Feeny, I only did that to prove that their was no writing on it." He said, smiling at Mr.Feeny before winking at Anna. She giggled again, holding her mouth to try and hide it. Mr.Feeny scoffed, finally having enough for the day of the children's shanaagins.

"I don't get paid enough for this." Mr.Feeny groaned, moving back to the front of the class. Both children giggled happily, doing their handshake as Mr.Feeny ignored the two, going back to teaching.

"Hey Goldie?" Eric reached over to Anna's table, trying to find a way to talk to her without Feeny hearing.


"We're gonna be a team forever right?"

"Of course. I mean, that's what the ring pop was for wasn't it?" She asked, holding her hand out to show the half eaten ring pop on her finger.

"No, that was for our wedding." He remarked sarcastically, making Anna laugh lightly. She looked at him and nodded.

"Right, how could I forget. My ring pop husband for life." She whispered back, kissing Eric's cheek before paying attention to Mr Feeny's teaching.

She didn't notice, but a new red shade flooded the 9 year old boy's cheeks, and a tingly feeling was left at the spot her lips had touched. She found his hand, and held it tightly, smiling over at him before looking back to the board.

And just as every day had seemed to go,
as Anna watched the teacher,
Eric watched her.

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