2 : 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆

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"NO WAY, AARON JACKSON IS DEFINITELY THE HOTTEST ON THE FOOTBALL TEAM. I mean come on, have you seen the abs on him?" Anna explained, the two teenagers walking home from the Hunter house.

"I just can't agree with you on that one Bee." Eric spoke passionately, making Anna scoff and roll her eyes, hitting his shoulder.

"You are impossible."

"I'm sorry but I can't?! Samuel Walker all the way, team Walker." Eric argued, putting up a w to symbol Walker. Anna scoffed, rolling her eyes as he chuckled, pushing Eric.

Anna pulled the door open, smiling devilishly at Eric.

"Ladies first." She grumbled. Eric made a face at her before entering the house.

"Oh Cory, what a lovely insincere compliment. And I just know you wouldn't spoil it by asking me for something." Mrs Matthews chimed, her and Cory having been talking when the two entered. Eric leant down to Cory.

"Eerie how she always knows huh?" Eric went to the fridge, tossing Ann's an apple juice as he rummaged through it.

"What, do all woman have antennas hidden somewhere on there bodies?" Cory asked loudly, making Anna and Mrs Matthews laugh.

"I don't know," he points at Anna, "she'll never let me look." Anna hit Eric's chest making him laugh as she pushed him up the stairs, both teens giggling.

• ✧ •

"ONE BUNNY EAR, GOES AROUND THE, OTHER BUNNY EAR." Morgan smiled as she shook her legs, sitting on the counter as she 'tied' Eric's bow. Anna sat beside Morgan on the counter, watching for now 10 minutes that Morgan had been trying to tie said bow.

"Will you just tie the bow. We're late for the market dad's gonna kill me!" Eric whinnied, checking his watch nervously.

"I don't know how to tie a bow." Eric stopped, and slowly turned to look atMorgan with a fake smile on his face.

"So, why did you tell me you did?"

"Cause I'm self-confident." Anna smiled at Morgan, walking over to her.

"And you did a wonderful job Moe. Here, cookie on me." Anna said, smiling at the younger girl and handing her a cookie. Morgan smiled with excitement, jumping to hug Anna.

"This is why you're my best friend." She cheered, making Anna giggle as she carefully placed the girl on the floor.

Eric turned to Anna with an annoyed expression.

"Good, I'm glad you and my baby sister are best friends. Now could you please tie this for me? My dads gonna kill me."

"Hey, I'm gonna be late too. That way we're sharing the heat, you take half I take half." Eric turned and looked at her with a wide expression on his face, catching her off guard.

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