36 : 𝒃𝒚 𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒐𝒓 𝒃𝒚 𝒄𝒓𝒐𝒐𝒌

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ANNA WAS SITTING BESIDE ERIC AND JASON, who were currently looking through European magazines

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ANNA WAS SITTING BESIDE ERIC AND JASON, who were currently looking through European magazines. They had been getting extremely excited about the Europe trip they were planning on attending. Eric had even picked up a few shifts at the grocery store to make enough money that he could bring Anna with him. It was fair to say they were all estatic.

"What you got there, guys?" Alan asked, coming in to see them all reading the magazines.

"Books for our summer trip." Eric said excitedly, causing Alan to look through the magazines.

"Mmm... Europe on a Student's Budget."

"Backpacking Your Way Through Italy."

"Goldie on a nude beach." Eric teased, elbowing Anna's arm slightly as she fake pouted at him in response.

"Aww, you're so cute for thinking I would follow you into a nude beach." She teased, ruffling his hair as he rolled his eyes at her.

"There's a new book out on Europe you may have missed. It's called Nobody's Going to Europe if Their Grades Don't Come Up. I read that one. I couldn't put it down." Alan explained, coming to stand behind Eric menacingly, making him chuckle nervously.

"So, ah... how's it end?" He asked, and Alan pretended to be confused.

"It's not clear. The main character's parents just got a note from his teacher, Mr. Feeny, that says he's not doing so well in European History." Alan said, raising an eyebrow at Eric, who stomped his foot like a toddler as he looked over at Anna, who just shrugged. She had been used to getting Eric out of trouble at this point, to be honest she was tired.

"But Dad, that's why I'm not doing well. Because I don't have any hands-on European experience, you know?" Eric explained, nodding, proud of his response.

"That's why we're going to Europe to get our hands on something." Jason mumbled, making Anna groan and shove him.

"Eric, if I don't see a B average, you're gonna be touring the continent from behind your summer school desk." Alan explained, letting another groan fall from Eric's lips.

"Okay, a B average. See, that's not a problem. So, what do I need for that - like, B's?" Eric asked, looking over at Anna for advice. She nodded and gave him two thumbs up, in a way saying 'you're doing great honey,' as Alan nodded.

"I'd like to see some of those. And also some of those little letters that look like teepees."

Eric looked at his dad confused, then at Jason, then to Anna. She raised a brow at him, encouraging him to think about it but he just nodded, making her sigh out her response.


"Ahh..." he mumbled, letting his head fall down into his magazine in dread.

• ✧ •

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