48 : 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓

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ANNA AND ERIC HAD BEEN GOING THROUGH THEIR LOCKERS, finding little nicknacks and mementos they had been keeping in there

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ANNA AND ERIC HAD BEEN GOING THROUGH THEIR LOCKERS, finding little nicknacks and mementos they had been keeping in there. The second Anna found the life supply of cherry chapstick in Eric's locker she almost lost it.

"Matthews. The teachers got together and, well, we have a few things for you." Mr Turner said, smiling at the two teens as he came out with a box.

"Oh, thanks, guys. Graduation gift?"

"Confiscation gift." Mr Williams said, handing over the box. "You get your stuff back like we promised."

"Hey! My giant underpants." Eric said excitedly, pulling out the giant underwear he had. "These always get a laugh."

"And my personal favorite, the Feeny puppet." Anna said, pulling the small felt puppet out of the box and handing it to Eric as he smiled.

"Oh, little George."

"Have you ever made a puppet of me?" Anna asked, making him shake his head.

"What? Don't be ridiculous, Goldie."

"We'll leave you three alone." Mr Turner said, he and Mr Williams walking away.

"Detention, Mr. Matthews. Detention, Mr. Matthews." Eric said, mimicking Feeny's voice, relatively well actually as he pretended to be Feeny while swinging the puppet around.

"Right, I'm the ridiculous one."

"What are you doing with this ridiculous thing?" Feeny asked, showing up behind the two as Anna gestured to him.


"It's just a dummy." Eric argued, earning a look from Mr Feeny.

"I'm not talking to you."

"You're gonna miss us, aren't you, Mr. Feeny?" eric asked, pulling Anna close to him as the two smiled fakely.

"Am I? Have you heard from any more colleges?" He asked the two, referring to both since Anna also hadn't updated him on any colleges. She didn't say anything, biting her lip as Eric began talking.

"Oh, yeah. Actually, today I got turned down from Penn State and BU. Looks like I'm gonna end up with my first choice. That's North Southwestern San Diego State." Eric explained, making Mr Feeny nod.

"Ah, yes. Old NSWSDS."

"U." Anna added, causing Feeny to nod in agreement.

"Yeah, you know, I'm on the waiting list so I should get my official acceptance any day. Then it's goodbye Philamadelphia." Eric said, pretending to cruise with his hand.

"Any summer plans?"

"Yeah. I'm gonna travel. I'm gonna spend two months in my car with Goldie and see all 50 states."

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