49: 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑪𝒂𝒏 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝑯𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝑨𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏

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"MY DEAREST TOPANGA, it's day of my summer road trip across this great country of ours with my dear brother, Eric

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"MY DEAREST TOPANGA, it's day of my summer road trip across this great country of ours with my dear brother, Eric." Cory said, holding onto a tape recorder in his hands that he spoke into. Eric tried to hold back his anger, considering it had been times now that Cory had talked to Topanga over a damn tape recorder. "This may be the last entry in my travel log, as my road buddy is becoming ornery."

"Hi, Topanga." Eric said, taking the tape recorder from Cory. "I don't know why Cory thinks I'm ornery. I'm actually, you know, pretty happy now that I've got the tape recorder and I don't have to listen to Cory yammer on for two months and states about life on the road. And speaking of the road, here it is now." Eric said, throwing the tape recorder out the window angrily.

"Tape recorder number ." Cory said, pulling a new tape out of his pocket as Eric groaned. "The golden rays of the sunset remind me of the golden highlights in your beautiful hair."

"You're insane! I mean, how is it that everything you see in this country reminds you of Topanga?" Eric yelled, making Cory sigh.

"Oh, you exaggerate, Eric. I mean, I did not mention her once during our tour of the White House."

"Hmm."Topanga's got a desk just like Chelsea's."

"Well, I didn't say anything at the Kennedy Space Center."

"Topanga's favorite movie is Apollo ."

"Mount Rushmore?"

"Will you look at the lips on Teddy Roosevelt?"

"I said that out loud?"

"You've Topanga-ed me to death, man!" Eric shouted, making Cory scoff.

"Well, I, for one, Eric, had a delightful summer, and there's a part of me that's sorry to see this trip end." Cory explained, turning to Eric with a pout.

"Well, this trip is far from ended." Eric said, smiling to himself to try and hide the dread he had been feeling.

"Why are you stalling?"

"I'm not stalling. I just want to make sure I don't miss anything in these here United States." Eric explained, making Cory scoff loudly.

"Eric, we're three hours from home, you know? We said we'd be home tonight. Home. Mom, Dad, Morgan, our sister who loves us. Your girlfriend who loves you, mine who loves me." Cory turned to Eric. "How do you beat that?"

"Entering Pottstown, home of the world's largest yogurt cup." Eric cheered, referring to the giant billboard. Cory shrugged.

"He beat it."

Eric's tires screeched as he turned to enter into the town, ready to take pictures and continue the adventure he and Cory had been on.

"Eric, listen to me. We have to go home, and here's why. I'm completely out of clean underwear."

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