20 : 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒇𝒇

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"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" Eric shouted, throwing his hands down to his sides and he walked around the hallways beside Hope

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"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" Eric shouted, throwing his hands down to his sides and he walked around the hallways beside Hope. From where they were now standing, they had a perfect view of Anna's locker. And just as he suspected there she was, standing in front of her locker, giggling mindlessly at something Harley had whispered to her, a deep crimson rose in her hands, her favorite. The two hadn't yet been official, but have been going on many dates since the start of the school year, much to Eric's dismay.

"I mean, come on. Harley Kiner!? I didn't know Harley Kiner even talked to people, I thought he just beat them up and that was it." Eric remarked, making Hope chuckle.

"Honestly, I'm just as clueless as you are." Hope added, shaking her head in disbelief. They both watched as Harley gave her a kiss on the cheek, both their faces scrunching up with discomfort. "What does she see in him?" Hope added.

They watch as Anna closes her locker, Harley slinging her bag over his shoulder, and wrapping an arm around her shoulder as he walks her to class.

"She says he's a sweetheart." Eric said. As if on cue, Harley sent a glare towards one of the freshman walking past him, causing the kid to flip out and hand Harley his bag full of lunch. The raven haired boy smiles, reaching into the bag and pulling out a juice box, handing it to Anna with a smirk. She takes the juice and smiles at him happily, making Eric scoff again.

"I mean look at that, children just hand him their things they're so scared of him. How can she not see that." He grumbled, balling his fists together. "Why can't she see the good in me, I have good, I have so much good!" Eric whined, groaning in annoyance.

"Why does no one see my good?!" Eric shouted.

"Hey, you're Eric right?" A brunette girl asked, tapping Eric's shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah, not now I'm busy.." Eric waved the girl off, still looking over, trying to find Anna, making the girl behind him look at him confused. Hope looked over at her, then at Eric, tapping his shoulder.

"Eric..." she said, still tapping his shoulder.

"What, what, what... oh." Eric said, catching sight of the girl behind him. "Hi, I'm Eric?" She smiled, shaking his hand.

"I thought so, I'm.."

"It doesn't matter." Eric said, pulling the girl in for a kiss, catching her by surprise. Hope rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

"And so it begins." She said, still shaking her head as she walked to her first class, leaving Eric to his girl, and Anna to her guy.

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