8 : 𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒂'𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒑𝒆𝒓

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IT WAS THAT TIME OF YEAR FOR THE MATTHEWS FAMILY, AND ALL FAMILIES AROUND PHILLY; CHRISTMAS. To start off the soon to be holiday, like every year before, Anna and Eric were sitting together on the couch in the Matthews living room, staring intently at the screen. For normal people, around this time, Christmas movies would be rolling, cookies would be baking in the oven, and eggnog would be poured for all to share. However, things were a little different for the older Hunter Matthews pair.

"If only he knew... if only they knew she loves him!" Eric shouted, shoving a handful of popcorn in his mouth as he stared at the screen. Anna chuckled, her eyes also still trained on the tv screen. Just like every year, there they sat, watching the cinematic masterpiece that was Dirty Dancing.

"They do know Eric, they're trying to protect her."

"Well they aren't doing a very good job. They're keeping her away from Swayze, they don't know anything!" He yelled again, queuing the younger Hunter Matthews pair to enter the living room. Shawn furrowed his eyebrows and Cory's face scrunched up as they stared at their siblings.

"What are you doing?" Cory asked, seemingly disturbed by his brother's state. Shawn came over behind Anna, snagging a handful of her popcorn, smirking back at the glare she sent him.

"Dirty Dancing?" Eric said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"It's a Christmas tradition." Anna finished, pulling her bowl away from Shawn teasingly, as Cory stared at the older siblings confused.

"You don't have normal traditions? You know, like caroling, decorating, baking cookies...not Patrick Swayze in a muscle tee." Cory asked sarcastically, making Eric fume. The two plastered fake smiles on their faces to hide the angry expression they shared, and slowly turned to face Cory.

"You know, you're right. There's is that one tradition where we make eggnog, and then we, pour it over the big heads of our little brothers." Anna said angrily, as Shawn and Cory both looked at Anna, laughing nervously before making their way to the back yard.

"That's what I thought!" She shouted after them, high-fiving Eric before returning her gaze to the tv.

"Anna Anna Anna!" Morgan shouted as she ran into the room.


Morgan jumped into Anna's lap, ignoring Eric who's eyes were trained on the screen as Amy Matthews walked in from the kitchen. Eric sighed, another interruption.

"Eric honey..."

"Hold on hold on..." Eric waited until Patrick Swayze on the tv finished his line, then paused the movie, looking up at his mother happily.

"What can I do for ya mom?"

"I need you to bring your sister to the mall to see Santa." Without peeling his eyes from the screen Eric answered.

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