3 : 𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒚'𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔

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"SO, HOW WAS YOUR DATE WITH THE ALL AMERICAN PHYSCO?" Eric asked, earning an eyeroll from Hope

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"SO, HOW WAS YOUR DATE WITH THE ALL AMERICAN PHYSCO?" Eric asked, earning an eyeroll from Hope. She had once again been boasting about her boyfriend, who the group found strange, but were still happy for their friend. She had been talking about this date for a week now, and hasn't spoken a peep the whole afternoon, which was odd for her.

"It was fine. Johnny was polite, as always." Hope smiled cheekily, giggling as she thought of the night before. Eric and Anna shared a look before fake smiling at her.

"Oh like your so cool? How was your date then, oh wait, you didn't have one!" She teased, making Anna raise an eyebrow at her.

"Oh yeah? How's your dad, oh wait you don't have one!" She remarked, titled her head as Eric and Jason chuckled.

"Is that supposed to be an insult? My fathers a turkey baster. I have two moms! That's one more than you have!" Hope yelled back, Anna gritting her teeth before stabbing her fork into her food.

"Two more than I have." Anna whispered, earning a sympathetic glance from Eric.

"And for your information I did have a date last night." Eric chocked on his food, catching everyone's attention as Jason pat his back. His eyes widened in Anna's direction.

"What? You had a date and you didn't tell me?" He asked eagerly, making Anna roll her eyes.

"Relax dad, I didn't know I had to tell you every detail of my life-"

"Yes you do young lady! And don't use that tone with me!" He sassed, raising his voice, earning several confused glances.

He cleared his throat, regaining back his normal stature.

"Who, who was it?"

"Jackson Carter. He asked me to see a movie with him, I was already in the theater it's not like I could say no."

"Oh, so it was just a pity date."

"Well it started that way, but we actually had a really great time." All attention was turned to Eric as he dropped his fork on his plate, his face full of fear.

"Er, are you okay?" Anna asked, looking at the boy with concern. He looked up at her and smiled.

"He's probably still recovering from his date with Heather." Jason said with a smirk, making Eric nervous.

Anna straightened her posture, clearing her throat as her heart panged with, something. Jealousy? No, it couldn't be.

"You um, you had a date?" She asked, Eric  smiling before returning to his food.

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