5 : 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒔 𝑰𝑰 𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒂

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"SO, BIG PARTY AT ASHTON'S HOUSE ON HALLOWEEN, YOU IN?" Hope asked, only Anna and her having been together for lunch

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"SO, BIG PARTY AT ASHTON'S HOUSE ON HALLOWEEN, YOU IN?" Hope asked, only Anna and her having been together for lunch. It was a few days before Halloween, and between Eric bugging her over what movies they would watch, and Shawn's constant nagging over needing a costume, all Anna had wanted was for Halloween to be over.

"Honestly Hope, I don't even know how you go to those things." Anna grumbled, earning a look from Hope. Anna stared back at her before rolling her eyes.

"I just mean they aren't for me okay? I'm not the big party type of girl."

"Which is exactly why you should come." Anna glanced up at Hope before looking back down, making Hope groan. "Come on! A chance to show everyone you can be badass, cool." Hope noticed the look on Anna's face and sighed.

"Oh come on please just this once come to a party with me!" She shouted, earning looks from across the cafeteria.

"Please Anna, you never come out with me anymore...."

"Sorry Hope, Goldie's busy Halloween." Eric said, him and Jason sitting down with them

"I am?" Anna asked, looking over at Eric with furrowed eyebrows. he looked back at her with a raised eyebrow, waiting for her to remember.

"You are." The two stared at each other for a moment, before Eric raised an eyebrow and Anna had a moment of realization.

"Oooohhh! Movie night!" She said, as Eric nodded at her.

"That's right, movie night. Now, I have the whole night planned out so no one bothers us okay? Cory and Shawn should be trick or treating until 9:00, which gives us a good 6 hours before they get home." He explained, making her groan.

"Six hours?"

"Gotta get the good movies in Goldie, or else, what even are we doing this for." Anna sighed, chuckling at Eric as he patted her back.

"So, what are you guys gonna be for Halloween?" Hope asked, and Eric chuckled as if everyone should know.

"I'm just gonna do what I do every year, steal Anna's shirt and pretend I'm her."

Anna rolled her eyes, taking a handful of Eric's chips, making him frown.

"Hey." She stuck her tongue out at him before shoving the chips in her mouth, smirking at him.

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