18 : 𝒊 𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎 𝒐𝒇 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒚

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"SO, DID YOU HEAR?" Caisey asked, turning to Anna as they both stood leaning against the table, waiting for the diner shift to start

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"SO, DID YOU HEAR?" Caisey asked, turning to Anna as they both stood leaning against the table, waiting for the diner shift to start.

"Hmm?" Anna hummed, her eyes half shut from yet another sleepless night. See last night, Shawn decided trying out the new illegal fireworks no one had any idea on how he had gotten, sending Anna into a panicked frenzy, waking up from her previous half hour of sleep to put out the fire that Shawn's experiment had caused. So now, the 6 hour shift awaiting her at Gloria's was already an excruciating experience before it had even begun.

"New recruit coming in today. I guess Gloria's heard my pleas for our understaffed pain." Caisey said, Anna nodding along in her dreary state.

"Hmm... now you won't yell at me for taking off for important things."

"Exactly. Well, I'll always be mad at you for taking off, you better train this new girl to be as good as you." Suddenly Anna was wide awake. This was the first she was hearing of a new recruit, and she could care less, but no one told her she would be training them. It made sense, Anna was a good trainer, but if she had known ahead of time maybe she would've made a better effort to get some sleep last night.

"Wait what? I'm training her? Caisey, I got like half an hour of sleep last night, I can barely manage myself today." Anna said, sighing as she slapped a hand on her forehead.

"Well, let's hope you've had your coffee this morning, cause here she is now." Caisey said, nodding to the fore as she placed a cup of coffee in front of Anna. As she looked up from her own existential dread, she saw the new girl standing at the door, and somehow felt even more tired than she did before.

"Hi, I'm new here my name's..."

"Danielle? Yeah, hi. I'm Anna, I'm training you today." Anna said, interrupting the brunette. She gave her a kind smile, shaking her hand.

"You go to John Adam's High don't you? I recognize you." Danielle said, making Anna sigh.

"Unfortunately." She grumbled. Danielle chuckled, and Anna couldn't help but laugh along, what could she say her laugh was contagious. She really was as pretty up close as she was far away. The only difference was now Anna could see the perfect eyeliner and mascara on her deep brown eyes.

"That's always good to hear about the school you're going to." Both girls laughed together, seemingly unable to control their laughter, especially seeing as Anna had the hint of tired goofiness.

"Well, lucky for you, now you'll get to see me at school and at work. That is, if you do good at training." Anna said, taking a swig of her coffee.

"Oh I will be. I'm a pro trust me." She said jokingly. Anna raised an eyebrow at her, testing her, making Danielle raise an eyebrow back.

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