27 : 𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒂

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"SHAWN! COME EAT YOUR BREAKFAST IT'S GETTING COLD!" Anna shouted, Eric following her around the trailer

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"SHAWN! COME EAT YOUR BREAKFAST IT'S GETTING COLD!" Anna shouted, Eric following her around the trailer. She had just gotten done toasting bagels for Shawn for breakfast, and was now finishing up her make up in her room.

"Would you cut that out?" She asked Eric, referring to the boy's playful actions. For whatever reason, Eric had needed attention every second of every day. Anna now noticed this even more, and he sat beside her, putting her hair on his head, trying to entertain himself.

"What are you even doing, you weirdo?" She asked, pulling away as she stood up.

"What? My head was cold." He said, making Anna roll her eyes as he continued to follow her into the kitchen. She walked in to see Shawn watching the toaster carefully, earning a strange look from Anna.

"Your breakfast is on the table dummy." She said, walking closer to see what he was watching in the toaster, and sighing."Shawnie?"

"Yeah?" He asked, acting as if what he was doing was totally normal.

"Why's your underwear in the toaster?" She asked, making him scoff, as if the answer should be obvious.

"So they can be nice and toasty." He answered, giving her a look. "Duh." He said again, chuckling as moved away from the toaster to look at Anna to talk.

"And why do you need that?" She asked, and Shawn just shrugged nonchalantly.

"Cause I like warm clothes I guess."
She sighed, shaking her head as she pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration.

"I just made breakfast in that toaster."

"I know. Isn't it great?" Shawn said, chuckling as he shook his head happily, his eyes still trained on the toaster. Anna shook her head, and as if on cue the toaster beeped, and Shawn happily took out his underwear.

"Unbelievable." She mumbled, making Shawn scoff.

"Whaat. Chill out dude." Shawn said, putting his underpants on over his clothes, and grabbing a stick of celery from the fridge, and the peanut butter jar on the counter, dipping the celery in and chomping on it.

"What are you doing? I made you breakfast." Anna said, gesturing to the breakfast she had made for him. He looked at her confused, his mouth full as he spoke.

"I'm dipping."

"No, Shawn, that's a new jar." She said, taking the jar of peanut butter from him, making the boy whine like a child.

"Well the old jar had celery in it." He whined, making her glare at him.

"That's why I bought a new one!" She shouted, placing down the jar of peanut butter. Shawn shrugged, grabbing the jar and continuing to dip his celery as Anna sighed.

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