Chapter 31:

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Only a few minutes passed when they heard a thumping sound. Moments later they heard it again only louder.

''We better get out of here’’ he said, taking her arm to help her stand up.

He cut a glance behind them and quickly jogged down the alley with Brenda.

But Thomas’s stomach dropped when he saw two men and one woman standing only a few feet away.

Thomas stopped and put his hands on Brenda's waist stopping her. 

“Hi there,” the woman said. She had long red hair pulled into a ponytail and her shirt was cut so low that Thomas had to force himself to keep his eyes focused on hers.

 “Come to join our party?’’ She twirled her red hair around a finger, giggling.

 “Um, no thanks, sounds like fun though.” Thomas said. “But we, uh, we were just—”

One of the men, a tall, ugly guy with greasy hair, stepped forward, and the other one, short but handsome, with blond hair in a crew cut pulled a gun from a pocket of his long jacket.

 “I don’t think you understood her,” Blondie said. Tall and Ugly pulled out a knife, and Ponytail pulled out a screwdriver. ‘’Come to join our party?’’

“Okay,” Thomas said quickly, crouching down and hands up in a little surrender.

 Then, suddenly, Blondie began to laugh like a mad man. Ponytail suddenly started to giggle like a little girl, and soon after Tall and Ugly decided to join in.

‘’Thomas…” Brenda whispered.

Confused by the sudden turn of events, Thomas decided to play along and started laughing too. But then they stopped laughing, and abruptly turned serious.

The message was clear. Thomas cleared his throat and bit his lip nervous. 

 “Now let’s go have some fun'' Blondie pointed his gun at Thomas and told him to move, he followed quickly with Brenda by his side, aware the whole time of the gun pointed at his back.

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