Chapter 4:

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Thomas stepped into the hallway and looked around noticing that there was some light, but not enough to entirely illuminate. He suddenly saw a dark figure standing on the end of the hallway- opposite from the direction of where the Gladers were heading. He squint his eyes and takes a step closer trying to get a better look.

Thomas. said a voice.

His throat closed up as he realized the voice belonged to Alex.

Thomas. Her faint voice vibrated through his head.

Thomas, over here.

The figure started backing up and he started following.


Thomas! The figure reached the end of the hallway and rounded a corner. Thomas started sprinting down the hallway when he begins to feel dizzy.

Over here, Thomas. The voice grew closer, louder. Over here, Thomas!

Disoriented he stumbled forwards into one of the walls. He put his hands out trying to make his way slowly in the dark but as soon as he brought them up he was terrified to see that his hands were covered in blood. His eyes widened in horror.

"No," he cried softly, trying to wipe away the blood but it was no use, his hands leaving crimson stains in his shirt. ''No!''

''Hey, are you okay?" Newt said snapping his fingers in front of his face flashing him back to reality. ''What are you doing in here?''

He took several shaky breaths and swallowed hard, his gaze traveling to look at his hands again and saw they were no longer covered in blood.

'' I don't know''

In front of him there was a yellow door with a brass handle.

Thomas reached for the door. His hand, centimeters from the doorknob, froze.

He noticed a small, clear-plastic display hanging on the wall to the right, about five inches square. A sheet of paper had been slipped into the thin slot, several words typed on its surface.

Alex. Group A, SubjectA3.

The Trigger.

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