Chapter: 50

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''On the count of three?'' Minho shouted as they all drew their weapons out.

Thomas looked at each member of his group; they all gave him a nod to let him know that they were ready.

''Okay, on the count of three we charge them. 1, 2, 3!''

The whole world went mute as Thomas watched as Alex lunged forward at the creature swinging her spear; clashing loudly as their blades met. Worry was all that filled his mind. He didn't want to lose her - he had just found her.

He snapped out of his trance-like state and turned in a semicircle to address the crowd of Bulb Monsters. Couple of people already lay on the ground, and he could also see Minho, and the others battling around him. There was also Aris -the boy who wanted to kill him freezed a couple of feets ago like a dear in the headlights. Not so tough now, are we? He would have been sliced apart if it wasn't for Newt who knocked him out of the way of the monster's blade.

''Thanks mate'' Aris breathed out.

''I'm not your mate''

Thomas took a quick glance around the rest of the battlefield and saw when a creature spin and slice Brenda's stomach, causing the girl to double over in pain.


But when he looked to the other side he saw Alex falling to the ground.


The creature pounced onto Alex with the intention of sinking one of his blades right into Alex's abdomen. She struggled, but the creature pressed downward, slowly lowering the blade against the strong grip on her arms.

He needed to make a decision now.

''Jorge!'' Thomas called out to him and Jorge immediately stopped in mid-fight and tried to turn to face the person that had called him.

''Brenda needs your help! Watch out!''

The horrendous monster slashed at Jorge, but he was able to dodge and deflect the blade just in time.

''Got it!'' He called back.

Thomas nodded and ran towards Alex with full speed to help her; however, at last second she managed to swerve the blade to her right. The blade got stuck into the ground and as the creature tried to get it out, Alex used this chance to take a jab at the bulbs on the monster's body.

The bulbs. All they needed to do was destroy the-

A bolt of electricity came zigzagging from the black clouds above. Then, all at once, it exploded with cracks of howling thunder and lightning and rain.


''We need to get out of here now." He slipped a hand around her waist and led her as they ran towards one of the containers.

''We need to tell the others!'' Alex shouted, half-soaked. Her hair was sticking in all directions to her face and her clothes were soaked and were clinging to her body.

''They'll figure it out!''

Brenda and Jorge ran up to them and slipped into the large container.


''When's Minho and Newt going to get here?! "I need to go out and help-''

"What? Are you crazy?'' He grabbed her arm, stopping her.

''Crazy or not, they might have got hurt and I need to know they're okay...''

''They'll be okay'' He shouts back.

This time Brenda spoke: ''he's right...we can't just let you go out into the storm by yourself!''

Thomas slowly reached grabbing both of Alex's arms.

''Alex, see, that's your problem. You don't care about getting hurt! But I do! I know they are your friends and I care about them as much as you do but... I've spent the past few days suffering and out of my freaking mind. I thought you were dead! Every night I had nightmares about it! And I swear that nothing is ever going to get those images out of my head. I watched you die in my freaking arms for god's sake! And nothing could make loosen the tight knot of pain and grief that my heart had. I sometimes forget that I wasn't the only one who was grieving. But if you die again-"

Alex didn't answer him right away; she just stood there for a while with eyes went wide in shock not sure what to do.

''I-'' She was cut off mid-sentence when a sound started up outside.

A humming.

"What is that?" Brenda asked.

"No idea," Thomas answered The humming was faint at first, but then it started getting louder as they got closer to the lid of the container.

They saw a very large aerial vehicle lowering rapidly to land. The winds from the machine causing dust and dirt to rise like some sort of cloud and blowing their clothes as they watched. It was huge and round, with flickering lights and burning thrusters of blue flame.

The ship touched down on claw like landing gear and a huge cargo door in its metal belly began to open.

A Berg.

Well, I'm afraid this is the end guys. I hope you all loved and enjoyed this story! :)

In the meantime, I'm still working on the sequel. Right now I've only been able to edit one chapter so it will take some time.

And as always, let me know what you think in the comments!

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