Chapter 32:

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The next few minutes they were squeezing through a tightly packed crowd of dancing bodies with Blondie, Ponytail, and Tall and Ugly not far behind them.

When they finished diving through the crowd they reach some sort of VIP-section where both woman and men were sprawled out over couches in an L-formation.

There, a huge guy that had his ears and face pierced several times with tattoos all over greeted them. His hair was long and white, reaching well past his shoulders. He got up from one of the couches and automatically slings an arm around Thomas’s shoulders.

‘’Thomas. We’ve been waiting for you.” Thomas could barely hear him. The music was so loud that he can barely hear himself think.

But before he could respond, the long-haired man pulled him and Brenda to the couches.

“How did you know my name?’’ Thomas yelled loudly over the music.

The man laughed. “This morning we saw your reaction to the sign—figured you had to be the famous Thomas!’’

Brenda shifted uncomfortably on the couch next to Thomas, and then stepped closer. 

“I’ll go and get you a drink!’’ Long Hair called out. Then he scuttled off, vanishing into the crowd.

Thomas started to get uncomfortable too; partying usually wasn’t his thing. He took a moment to analyze his surroundings. Blondie and his two friends were watching them. And the crowd of bodies, were still dancing, gyrating and jumping and hugging and spinning.

Thomas gulped and quickly twisted around until he was facing Brenda.

‘’We have to …” He trailed off, and looked over at Blondie, who was still looking staring at him.

So, he reached out and put his arm around Brenda's shoulder and leaned his head close to speak directly in Brenda’s ear, trying to act casual.

“We have to get out of here’’ he whispered urgently.

But then again, before she could respond, Long Hair was back with cup in each hand, a brownish liquid inside.

“Drink up! Drink it until you don't want anymore’’ He suggested.

They just look at it, thinking maybe how they got into this piece-of-crap situation. 

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