Chapter 41:

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Alex kept her gaze fixed in the distance for a while.

"Hey." Newt reached over to her and put his hand on her left shoulder reassuringly and waited until she looked at him.

Alex gave him a weak smile, putting her right hand on top his.

‘’I let him to suffer alone, and now that I’m back, he's gone.’’ She told him. ‘’He's gone, and we couldn't do nothing about it.’’

Turning around, Newt opened his arms and she flew into them putting her head on his chest. He was much taller than her, than he can put his chin on the top of her head.

‘’It’s okay” he whispered, caressing her dark head against his shoulder.

By this time, Minho, Frypan, and the other Gladers had joined them. Except, Jorge and Brenda, who stood a little far away.

‘’Minho’’ She gasped when she saw him and tiptoed to hug him; almost knocking him down. Minho’s hug was much longer. He was squeezing her like a lifeline thrown to her in the middle of the ocean.

‘’You're alive! I've missed you so much.You’re my baby sister, you know that right?’’

‘’I know’’

She broke apart from the hug.

‘’I missed you all too. I'm glad we can all be together again. It was really hard for me to pretend I’ve forgotten about you and I realized that it's even harder to pretend you don't love someone, when really, you do. I’m sorry; I can't imagine how much you guys suffered.’’

‘’Hey, no need to apologize. We're all friends here and we understand. Plus we'll always love you no matter what’’

Jorge crossed his arms over his chest and cleared his throat, indicating to them that he was there.

‘’Oh, Alex, this is Jorge and Brenda’’ Newt said gesturing to each as he introduced them.

Jorge reached out grabbed Alex’s hand gently and brought it up to his face, and kissed it, keeping eye contact.

‘’Nice to meet you, señorita’’

Then the two girls looked at each other for a moment before Brenda put out her hand for a hand shake.

‘’I've heard so much about you’’

‘’Nice to meet you’’ Alex replied grabbing Brenda’s outstretched hand and shaking it.

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