Chapter 2:

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Thomas jumped as they heard a loud bang outside their window. A second later came the explosion of glass breaking. 

''What the hell was that?'' Minho asked. 

 Newt was up before anyone. He tiptoed toward the lone window in the room.

Thomas was sitting on the edge of his bed, watching until he got to his feet to join him.

Carefully, Newt leaned in to take a look outside the exposed window.

The tension in the room rose at a steady pace. The Gladers were quiet, not a soul moved.

After a minute or so, his face was only a couple of inches in an effort to get a better look when an arm came wriggling through the window.

Thomas yelled as he tripped and fell backwards onto his butt and scrambled as far from the window as possible.

A man stood on the other side, gripping the bars crisscrossed steel bars with bloody hands.

His eyes were wide and bloodshot, filled with madness. Sores and scars covered his thin, sun–burnt face. He had no hair, only diseased splotches of what looked like greenish moss. A vicious slit stretched across his right cheek; Pink saliva dribbled in swaying lines from the man’s chin.

“I’m a Crank!” the horror of a man yelled. “I’m a bloody Crank!”

And then he started screaming two words over and over and over, spit flying with every shriek.

“Kill me! Kill me! Kill me!’’

He grew louder—the other boys had huddled as far away from the window as possible staring at the bloody man.

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