Chapter 7:

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"Hey," one of the Gladers called out. "What's that on the side of your neck?''

Aris tried to look down, "What?"

"Here, let me look," Newt reached out and pulled Aris's shirt down more so he could see better.

"It's a tattoo,"

"What's it say?" Minho asked. He'd already gotten up from the bed and approached to look.

Property of WICKED.Group B, Subject B1.The Partner.

''That's what the display says...''

"What does it say?" Aris asked, pulling his shirt collar down. Then he got up and went to the bathroom, to try to see the words for himself.


"Whoa!" Thomas said.

"What?" Minho asked, looking at Thomas.

"You have it on your neck, too!"

Thomas ran over to Minho, then pulled the neckline of the shirt back.

Thomas read the words to himself.

Property of WICKED.Group A, SubjectA7.TheLeader.


And then the frenzy began. The Gladers discover the tattoos on each other.

"What does mine say?" Newt asked.

Thomas pulled the neckline of Newt's shirt to the side.

"You're Subject A-five and they called you the Glue.''

"Read mine."

"You're Subject A-two," Newt started reading. Then he lowered his eyes.

"And?" Thomas pushed.

"It-It just says ... 'To be killed by Group B"

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