The Father I Never Had

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Everything is blurry as my eyes flutter open. So many questions pop into my mind as I come back to the land of the living. How long have I been out? Has anyone been hurt since then? Is Allison okay? None of these questions have answers, though I wish they did. After a few seconds I am able to see that Derek and Lydia are both still here and safe. That’s good. I can barely make them out though. There is blood in my eyes and I’m in so much pain that even the slightest movement makes my vision blurry. If I try and move too quickly I will pass out again. That can’t happen. My friends need me. I try so hard to be strong for them, but at times like this I find it almost impossible to be. I don't want to fail them. The only problem with that is that I can't move. How am I supposed to help anyone when I can't even stand up without blacking out again. Right now, I am worthless. 

In the silence of the room, I am able to hear a car pulling up outside. This is what I imagine to be my end. Whoever in that car is probably someone who has come to kill me. Probably the same person who was pretending to be my mother. He would kill me and this would be it. I could never see Allison again. She would live her life in pain without me. She  would feel regret and always blame herself, always saying 'if I had only been there..'. They would all grieve. My mother would be alone with no one at all. How could I do this to the people I love? I can try to find but it's not like that will do me any good. Maybe I-

No. Allison. She is here. How could she be so stupid? How could she come here without thinking about how I would react. How could she put herself in danger this way. If anything happened to her I swear to god. I close my eyes to listen to what she is saying. Who is she talking to?

“Was that too e-“ 

“Do not say easy Allison. This was his goon he sent out to die. I imagine his wolves have never actually learned to fight and over rely on their sheer strength.” Deaton. he is here too. This is all my fault. If any of them get hurt, I will never forgive myself. They came for me.

“But it won’t mean anything if we take out the wolves if Scott isn’t up to killing the shapeshifter.”  I open my eyes sowly, trying to hold back tears that I feel coming. It's all up to me. I have to kill him. I can't. Every single person in this room is going to die and I'm not the only one who knows that. I can see Derek's face. We both know our fate. I wish with everything I have that I could somehow heal and save everyone, but Derek and I both know that's not happening. My mouth opens in attempt to yell for them. Maybe if I could tell them to run they would have a chance of survival. All that comes out of my mouth is a weak groan. 

When Allison and Deaten step inside, my body tenses up. I'm feeling so many emotions. I am glad that I at least get to see the love of my life one last time before I die, but I am more afraid than I have ever been in my entire life. She is going to die too. We all are. I can't watch these people die. 

Is this karma coming back at me in the most ironic of ways? My fate is so similar to the fate of David. Much like him, I am going to watch every person I care about die in front of me. Knowing the shapeshifter, I will be the last to go. In a way, I deserve this fate. After all of the horrible things I have said and done to every person in this room, it is only fair that I die. Allison, Lydia, Derek, Deaton, and even Isaac, that's a different story. These people are too good for this. The fate they are getting is not what they deserve. Any one of these people would risk thei rlife for me, and they have. None of them deserved any of this. if it weren't for me they would have a chnace at a normal life. I brought this into their lives and now because of me, they won't have lives anymore. Itisn't fair. That is my biggest regret. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2015 ⏰

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