(For your sanity)

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This was written by Jess because I'm an idiot and can't write Scott's pov when Allison has no idea what's going on with him. So here's this to keep you same and to help with any confusion.

Scott's POV

As soon as I turned away from Allison's house I let the mask fall off. I had put on a brave face for her but that truth was I was terrified about tonight. Something about this all seemed weird. They weren't coming for him straight on like most werewolves who are trying to kill him usually do. He didn't fear death as much as he did what came before. Thoughts flashed into my head of Gerard laughing manically as he carved Allison's name into my chest with a bow.

I soon had reached the parking lot of Beacon Hills General Hospital and walked up to Isaac and Derek who seemed to be arguing.

"Hey save the fight for later." I forced the joke when I reached the two and they both instantly stopped.

"Look, Scott... I still don't think it's a good idea-" Derek started but I interrupted him before he could finish.

"Don't. Just, don't." I couldn't handle one more second of this. I was already worried out of mind because of Allison's eyes the last time I saw her. I didn't need his warnings as well.

"We need to get Lydia back and that's all that matters." I said.

Isaac nodded silently and Derek nodded reluctantly. I pulled out my phone and with a deep breath called Lydia's number. It rang and rang and rang, for a moment I thought my plan had failed. That Lydia's phone was lying somewhere in the ice arena or had run out of battery and that he had no way to find her. Luckily in the next ring, someone picked up and I could hear his breath through the phone.

"H-Hello?" I tried to keep my voice as calm as possible but it was harder than I imagined when all I could think of was a girl with dimples waiting for me to come home.

"Ahh... I do believe I finally have the pleasure of speaking with the True Alpha. I'm right, yes?" The voice seemed young even though he spoke as if he was born decades ago.

"That's right. I will give you whatever you want in exchange for the girl you took from us tonight." He stated flatly. Derek shot him a look and he knew that he was thinking of the time that he had lectured him that an oath from an alpha actually had to be upheld.

"Oh is she your mate? I didn't realize. Even better." I could tell that the voice on the other end was smiling.

I didn't bother on correcting him on Lydia's true relationship to him. As long as they thought that Lydia was important to him they wouldn't kill her. They soon gave the address to an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Beacon Hills and Derek visibly tensed.

Derek cursed and said that he didn't like the fact that the factory of their choosing was so far away from town.

"At least if we end up dying tonight no one will find our bodies.." Isaac said trying to lighten the mood.

Nothing could stop the panic that the three of us felt. This felt different from all the other times. Our enemies weren't coming to us and attacking us, rather we were on our way to go meet them in their own territory. They were going to have the upper hand and Derek didn't like this at all.

I didn't care. I was going to get Lydia back. I couldn't spend time worrying about dying because I had to come back for Allison. She was waiting for me so I would be there to wake her up in the morning. I'd have her best friend sleeping on my couch and the breakfast made. All Allison would have to do is wake up, kiss me, and relax.

At least that's what I had hoped.


I was standing in front of a building that was barely standing with what seemed like a junk yard surrounding it. You couldn't even tell that this used to be a factory. It had taken them about an hour to get here and the entire time all I could think of was Allison. She must be freaking out.

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