They should be thankful

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"Hey... you okay?" I whispered softly to Allison as we walked to my house from school.

"Yeah. Fine. Sorry just thinking about everything. So much is happening all at once." I understood completely. We didn't need to think about that though. I would like to have one last good day. It seemed like a million years since I'd had one of those. Everything in my life was being ruined and I couldn't stop it.

"Let's just forget about all of that right now. It's just you and me." My hands went to my pockets to grab my keys so we could get inside yet all they found was air. Actually there was a ball of fuzz but that's beside the point.

"Hey... Where are my keys? I could've sworn I put them in pocket." Because Allison would know that Scott. You're real smart. I pulled my pockets out completely, still nothing. Where the hell are my keys?!

"Who locked the door this morning?"

"Umm... Isaac I think... Where the hell..." My eyes searched frantically for my keys.

"I'll call Isaac. Don't worry."

"No. He's supposed to be patrolling. Derek-

"Took my shift." Isaac interrupts, smiling up at me. "What's wrong? Why are you two just sitting around outside."

"I must've left my keys this morning." Calm down Scott it's fine. Isaac opened the door but of course made me feel worse about everything.

"No. That can't be right. You locked the door this morning."

Well fantastic. Now the werewolves can come home and kill me and my mom whenever that want. That's just great, this day was really going my way. But hey, I'm a lucky dude. My girlfriend cheated on me with my best friend. How much better could it get?

"I'm sorry but when werewolves want to get in they just knock the door down. Who would steal keys?" She had a point. Why not just break the door down and get it over with.

"Someone who wants to get in undetected I guess." He also had a good point. It's much easier to snoop when no one knows you were there. Except for the fact that I can smell them.. I am a dog. No no no. We were just freaking out over nothing. We were all safe.. Right?

"It still makes no sense. Scott, are you sure you didn't just lose your keys? I think all of us are just being paranoid." I agreed. No I didn't. Who were we kidding, we were all screwed.

Shit. What if they were there? Oh god we were all gonna die. We all knew it too, our looks told one another that.

"Fine. Let's just all relax. I'm getting some Coke from the fridge. Who else wants one?" This is so dumb. We should never have created this. But we all went along with it. Our hands went up.

"I think we should play hide and seek." I shake my head.

"No. It would never work, Isaac hates hide and seek, He'd rather play Cops and Robbers. He likes the chase better than hiding." With a sigh, I looked over at her.

"I'm tired. I'd much rather hide and wait then chase each other until one of us loses."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Isaac, where are those Cokes! I'm getting a bit restless." He's probably dead. That's okay though. He will have a nice funeral.. In a tight, enclosed space.. Oh the memories. I'm sure if his coffin is extra spacious he would be okay with it.

"Sorry I couldn't find any. Just traces of them left in the fridge. But they could come back at anytime." Oh hey, still alive. That's nice. Well maybe not. As he flopped himself onto the couch, he started to look like he could die. Maybe he was just out of shape. Loser.

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