The deal

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               I clenched my teeth at Gerard and tried as hard as I possibly could to claw at him but the rope stopped me when I was inches from him. “If you touch one hair on her head I swear to god.” I growled lowely at him.

               “Now that wouldn’t be very fair would it? No, Allison gives me what I want, she gets you back. Everyone goes home happy.”

               “Where is she?!” I yelled at him.

               “Right now? Probably waiting around for you. I’ll pay her a visit soon.”

               Every word he spoke make me even agrier and I started to growl at him loudly.

               “You seem to be very attached to my granddaughter. How about I help you get even closer. Like I’ve said before Scott, there is just no competing with young love.” That’s when he took the arrow and put it lightly against my chest. This may hurt just a bit. Gerard shoved the arrow into my chest and I cried out in pain. Her moved the arrow down cutting completely through my flesh. My screams got louder and louder each time he moved the arrow. When he was finally finished, the word Allison was written across my chest. Something was wrong though. I wasn’t healing at all. The pain was worse than ever and I couldn’t even heal.

               I looked down at the cuts and Gerard laughed, “Confused?” He stepped back and then turned around. “You see Scott, I put wolfsbane on the arrows. You won’t heal for days. Now, if you lose too much blood then you’re dead. So, this is how it’s going to work Scott. I’m going to have a talk with Allison. She’s going to find out that I have you in captivity. She does a simple task for me and you two will be together again. If she refuses, you die, and don’t think I’d let her go either. So listen to me Scott. You will do anything and everything I say or I will kill her. Do you hear me Scott?”

“Touch her and I’ll kill you.”

“You think it’s a joke?” He laughed at me and then walked into the corner. When he came back, he was holding a crossbow. Aiming straight at my chest, he pulled the trigger. The arrow hit right under my heart and I yelled out louder than I had ever yelled before. Blood squirting out of my chest and my mouth. Gerard walked towards me and broke the arrow, leaving part of it in my chest.

“Listen to me or I’ll kill her. Do you understand?”

               “Yes.” I mumbled, spitting out blood on the ground next to him.

               “Good.” He laughed and then turned around.

               The pain was unreal but I truly didn’t care. I just wanted to be with Allison. I wanted to know that she was safe and that he hadn’t already killed her. I needed to know that she was happy wherever she was. I couldn’t take knowing that I was the reason for Allison getting hurt.

               “Oh and Scott. Don’t try to escape. The chains are electrified.”

I closed my eyes and coughed up blood as Gerard made his was out of… wherever we were. I knew where he was going what he was doing and who he was going to see. It made me afraid. More afraid than I had ever been in my entire life. Not being able to protect Allison was killing me.

The pain was too much. I couldn’t take it anymore. My eyes started to close and the last thing that I thought of before I passed out was her. I didn’t think about her in trouble though. I just thought of Allison. Grinning and giggling showing those dimples that I love. I though of her at her happiest because that’s when I was at my happiness.

“Allison..” I whispered as the room went dark and everything went away.

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