I Would Always Be That Person

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I continued to hyperventilate with my head against the wall when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Somehow I didn’t hear Stiles come in because when I turned around, I saw him standing there with a confused look on his face.

“Scott!” I took a few deep breaths to calm myself and then I looked up at him. “What the hell just happened?”

Tears began to swell up in my eyes, “I think I just ruined the one good thing in my life.” I couldn’t take it anymore. So, I just ran out of Stiles’ room crying and went straight to the front door, running out of his house. One more second in that place would cause a serious mental breakdown. Plus, I needed to get her back, and I knew just how to do it.

After a long –well at least it seemed long--- walk, I was finally home and I needed to get ready quickly so that I could get to Allison’s house. My plan was to sing her one of my favorite songs that I actually knew how to play on the guitar and it completely fit our situation. I’m a sucker for a good love song. I had never sung for Allison before because it’s too embarrassing but I knew that she had always wanted me to so maybe if I sang to her she would take me back. That or she would laugh at how terrible my voice is and kick me out even faster… God I hoped it would work.

Once I was in my room, I walked right to the bathroom and washed my face off so you couldn’t see the tears anymore. After I was sure you couldn’t see any red, I pulled off my shirt throwing t to the ground and ran to my dresser and began pulling out shirts. I went through shirt after shirt and nothing seemed good enough. I was seriously thinking about just going with no shirt… but then again that could just make me even more repulsive. I finally came across one of my tight long sleeved shirts that Allison loves and I was in a huge predicament.

Shirt or no shirt? Both seemed so good yet so bad. What if Allison hated the shirt and thought I looked terrible? Then again, what if she saw my body and got disgusted by it or thought I was a complete tool for going with no shirt. I sighed and set the shirt down before going back to the sink and running the water through my hair and started to style it. Allison liked when I styled it that way, I’m not sure why but if she liked it then I would do it because that would make me one step closer to getting her back. I pulled out Allison’s favorite cologne and put a good amount on, not too much, but a good amount so if I were to hug her, she would definitely be able to smell it. These were all just part of my master plan to get the love of my life back.

The moment of truth was finally here. What would I choose? The shirt… or my not so flattering bare chest? Why did it have to be such a hard decision? I had decided, and with that I grabbed my acoustic guitar and left shirt on.

I arrived at Allison’s house, my hands shaking to the point that I was worried about my guitars safety. I knew that when I got out of the car and carried my guitar, it was likely that I would drop it and it would break, god I hoped that I could keep control of myself. I had a lot of things to say to Allison and I couldn’t break down while saying it, I had to be strong.

My whole body was shaking and I was about to get out when I realized that I forgot to brush my teeth. “Oh god please tell me I brought gum.” I said to myself, checking all of my pockets. My eyes widened and I sighed of relief when I found half of a piece of gum. Quickly, I shoved the gum in my mouth. The gum might get in the way of my talking though, I didn’t want to be blowing bubbles while talking to her, this was serious. So, I sucked out all of the gum’s flavor and put it back in the wrapper throwing it away.

Now I was ready. Slowly, I made my way up to Allison’s door and the whole way, my hands were shaking. ‘You can do this, take a deep breath.’ I said to myself and once I did, my body stopped shaking and I was calm. “Here goes nothing…” I said before knocking on the door and fixing my hair a little bit.

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