Allison Argent, The Love Of My Life

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            I chuckled to myself as I stopped the bike in Allison’s driveway because she still had a death grip around my waist. “Umm Allison if you let go I can help you down.” She was so adorable.

            “Oh of course,” She said softly and let go of me. I took a breath because she was holding me so tightly I could barely breathe. I quickly climbed off of the bike and steadied it. I made sure to hold her arm tightly as she got off so she wouldn’t get hurt.

            Allison and I walked up to her door and her phone went off. She was turning the key so she gave me her phone and I looked at the message. It was from her father, he told her that he was almost home and asked her to leave the garage door open. I told Allison what he had said and handed her phone back to her. Suddenly, I stopped at the doorway because I didn’t know if I could come inside or not.

            “Come on in. We can sit in the living room so my dad doesn’t freak out.” She said to me.

            “Are you sure he’ll be okay with… us?” I asked, uncertain.

            “I think he’s going to have to deal with it. After all he decided not to get involved with werewolf stuff…” I smiled at her statement.

            “Is that so?” I laughed and then picked Allison up taking her into the living room, tickling her the entire time. I gently threw her onto the couch, continuing the tickle her. I still knew exactly where Allison was ticklish and she was about to get the tickling of a lifetime.

            Allison screamed and I finally let her be but we both continued to laugh until Allison’s father cleared his throat behind us. ‘Oh my god.’ I thought to myself because her father still scared the crap out of me. “Oh hey dad,” Allison said, “Scott gave me a ride so…” I could barely hold in my laugh as I looked at Allison. Her entire bra was showing and she didn’t even know.

            He thanked me for taking her home and then told us that he didn’t like us being here alone. I just nodded as he spoke and stayed silent because I did not want to die that day. Finally I realized I should probably speak up, “Of course Mr. Argent. I should be getting home anyways my mom is probably waiting on me.”

            Once her father finally left, I looked at Alllison, grinning at her once again because she still didn’t know. My laugh blurted out and she looked confused. “What?”

            “It’s nothing…” I said, “It’s just that um look at your shirt.”

            Once she noticed, she slapped my arm and called me a jerk before laughing. I could tell that she was embarassed. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
            “I was enjoying the view.” I grinned at her mischieveously. She fixed her shirt as I walked to the door with her. “I’ll see you Monday?” I asked even though I just wanted to be with her all weekend.

            “Or we can go out tonight? We can go to that new resteraunt they opened.” She knew me so well. Once of the reasons I loved Allison was that she always had the same ideas as me.

            “Of course,” I simply stated and then stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do next. As I stood there, she wrapped her arms around my neck kissing me with so much passion I could barely stand it. I obviously kissed her back with the same about but, she made me weak, literally. My arms slid around her waist, pulling her closer to me. Just as I wanted more, she broke the kiss, but thankfully promised me more of where that came from.

            I smiled at her one more tie and then turned around, walkinmg away. She closed the door behind me and I grinned to myself. I was compelled to do a little dance, so I did and then looked around making sure no one saw me. Slowly, I walked to my bike, biting my lip and was I was on it, I started it and drove away from her house. Allison Argent, the love of my life. 

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