Unexpected Call

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            Allison took a breath as I looked into her eyes. I could usually tell what was wrong with her but I had no idea. Whatever it was must have been extremely important though. I could see the pain in Allison’s eyes. Why wouldn’t she say anything? The room was completely silent and I just sat there looking at Allison struggling to say… whatever she was going to say.

        “Are you okay?” I heard Isaac whisper.

        “No.” That was it. I needed her to be okay. I couldn’t take any more of this. I needed to know what was wrong with her because seeing the love of my life this way was eating at me.

        “Allison I’m going crazy here. I need to know what’s wrong so I can help you.” That’s all that I wanted, to help her. “Are you mad at me?” I said it almost like a 6 year old asking their parents. It actually sounded pathetic but I couldn’t help it. If she was mad at me, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. “I’m sorry everyone knows. I’m sorry I beat up Romeo. If you’re scared of my now you know I wouldn’t hit y-“

        “Please stop apologizing before I kill myself!” She yelled at me and my eyes went wide. What the hell was happening? Why did Allison feel so terrible?! Why couldn’t she just let me fix her? She was scaring me to death and I NEEDED to know what was happening. What was making Allison hurt so badly that she couldn’t even tell me. She couldn’t trust me to know what was going on? Or was she scared of me?

        “Allison. I swear if you don’t tell me what’s going on now I’m going to go insane.”

        “I can’t.” She whispered to me. Why couldn’t she tell me? I thought I was the one person that Allison could tell everything to.

        I knelt down in front of her and looked up into her eyes, mine probably looked pathetic. I just needed to know. “Why not?” I thought about everything that we had been through together and everything I knew about her. What was so big that she couldn’t even tell me about? “There can’t be anything that’s worse than what you’ve told me in the past.” I tried to grab Allison’s hand but she pulled it away. Had I messed us up? Was Allison afraid to be with me now? Or maybe she was just mad at me. I would understand that. If she didn’t want someone who would tell EVERYONE her biggest secret… I would understand. Couldn’t she just tell me though?

        “Because I don’t want to lose you Scott.” She was joking right? She thought that after everything we had been through, she would lose me? Did she not realize that there was no one I loved more in the world than her? Did she know that I would to anything for her and that a life without her would be meaningless? Allison is my everything and I would stay with her no matter what she was about to tell me.

        “You won’t ever lose me.” It was the truth. If anything, I would be the one to lose her. She deserved better than me and I knew that someday she would have to move on. But there was no way in hell that I would ever let someone as perfect as Allison go. I would never even think about letting Allison go, I would do everything I could to keep us together. Did she not understand how much I loved her?!

        “Yes I will after you find out. You will hate me and never want to see me again and I-I can’t live without you S-Scott.” She was insane. I didn’t care if she actually killed Stiles. There was nothing she could ever do that would make me hate her. She was perfect, the best thing to ever happen to me and I would never ever even come close to hating her. I must not have been doing a good job of making her realize how much I loved her because she didn’t seem to get it.

        “Allison you could never lose me. You understand that?” I looked at her as she nodded to me. Finally it sunk in and she understood. Now I needed to know what was happening.

        “Tell me.”

        “I’m sorry Scott I just c-can’t!” Allison began to sob as she ran out of my room. Quickly, I bolted after he and was able to wrap my arms around her before she could open the front door. There was no way I was letting her go without knowing what was going on. She struggled to get away but my grip tightened so she couldn’t get loose.

        “Tell. Me. What’s. Going. On.” I said into her ear.

        She tried to push me one more time but again, I wouldn’t let go. She needed to tell me before I had a heart attack. “Scott! You’re hurting me! Let me go!” Immediately my arms let go and my eyes widened as I looked at her. I didn’t mean to- I was just trying to figure out what was happening! Of course I ruined it. God, I was such an idiot. If she didn’t want to tell me she didn’t have to. How could I even live with myself. I was hurting her because I wanted to know something. I was so stupid!

        Allison started to cry again as she got into her car and drove away. I watched her car until I couldn’t see it anymore and I felt my head drop. I couldn’t even take it anymore, My legs just gave out and I sunk to the floor shoving my head in my heads. I was such an idiot. Allison deserved so much better. She deserved someone who was trustworthy and who would never hurt her. She deserved someone gentle and kind like… Stiles.

        Tears started to fall down my cheeks as I sat there with my head in my hands. Why couldn’t everything just be happy? All I wanted was to hold Allison and I had just ruined EVERYTHING by hurting her. What else could I do that could mess her up? I mean, I told everyone her biggest secret and not to long after I hurt her. “You’re such an idiot.” I whispered to myself.

        My phone began to go off and as I wiped my tears, I saw that it was Allison’s father. What the hell?

        “Mr. Argent?” I said shakily.

        “Scott I created a three-way with Allison. Say hi Allie!”

I sniffled a bit and tilted my head trying to figure out what the hell was happening. This must have been a joke or something.

        “Dad please don’t tell him! Please I’ll do anything except stay away from him I can’t do that please I-“ Okay this was seriously insane. How did her father know but I didn’t and why would he tell me. Most of all why didn’t Allison want to tell me?!

        “Scott, Allison-“

        “NO! STOP NOW!”

        My heart rate sped up as I listened to their voices and my free hand was gripping my hair, trying to keep myself from bawling. Nothing good could come from this unexpected call.

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