They Can't Know

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               My heart was racing and listened closely sighing in relief as I heard her steady heartbeat. I was so thankful that she had only passed out and that nothing happened to her. Suddenly, I had an idea; I couldn’t believe I hadn’t thought of this before. Maybe the stress was too much before and I had too much on my mind to realize what I could be doing to help. I looked around and the people in back of the ambulance with us were not looking so I knew that it was the best time to do it. I gripped Allison’s hand a little bit tighter and watched as the veins in my arm popped up. Although it was slightly painful, it always was, obviously it was worth it, if I could take away most of Allison’s pain, I would do it, no matter how much it was hurting me.

               Finally, we arrived at the hospital and they carried Allison out of the ambulance and started to wheel her inside. I tried to get closer to her and hold her hand but one of the men stopped me and told me that I needed to stand back until she was where she needed to be. I nodded and followed them inside saying nothing. They took her into the elevator and I followed keeping my distance from them. My body was stiff and I was trying as hard as I possibly could not to cry. I didn’t want to think about all of the other times we had been here but I couldn’t help it, they were all so painful and being there in the hospital was triggering all of the memories. The elevator stopped on the third floor and my mother walked inside the elevator looking at Allison who was awake now.

               “Allison! I saw you get out of the ambulance. I took my break early so I could come. What’s wrong honey?” After she spoke she walked up to me and hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around her and took a deep breath. She was helping me calm down and I was so thankful that she could be here for Allison. “Look how she’s watching you. She pulls her strength from you. She needs you to be strong Scott. She’ll be okay. I won’t let her be taken from you.” She whispered to me and a tear ran down my cheek. I didn’t know if I could be string and I knew that my mother might not be able to keep her promise.

               “I’ll try.” I whispered back, “I love you mom.”

               “I got those horrible cramps again but I’m not on my period for another two weeks so I don’t know what hit me.” Allison told my mother.

               “But you seem better. Did it go away completely or is there still a dull ache?” She asked her.

               “It’s gone,” I thought about how that was mostly because of me and the pain would probably start up again soon. ”But you see that one in the corner?” She pointed at me, “He wouldn’t let me go without seeing a doctor even if I were to get up and do a cartwheel.” She smiled as my mom laughed and I knew that she was trying to cheer me up but it wasn’t working. I was truly worried about her and she needed to see a doctor, we needed to know what was happening to her. So, I walked up to her and held her hand. My mother was right, I had to be strong for her and that’s exactly what I would do.

               I kissed Allison’s forehead gently, “I just worry about you because I love you,” I whispered to her before gently placing another kiss on her forehead.

               We signed Allison in but the woman at the front desk said that it wasn’t an emergency because she wasn’t screaming out in pain anymore. I was really starting to regret taking away her pain now, “Are you kidding me? How do you know that the pain won’t come back any minute?! We need to make sure she is okay! I’m not letting her just wait her are you fuc-“

               “Scott!” My mother interrupted, pushing me back. “Scott it’s okay I promise just go sit down with her. “

               “Really Scott, I’m okay.” Allison said, grabbing my hand. I nodded and walked with her to one of the benches and we sat down.

               About fifteen minutes later, Allison looked at me, “Scott?” She looked exhausted.

               “Yeah?” I asked and stopped running my hands through her hair.

               “Can I lay down on your lap? I want to sleep a little bit.”

               Even if I didn’t absolutely love when she did that, how could I say no to her? “Of course.” I took my jacket off so she could use it as a pillow and straightened out. Allison always told me that she loved using my jacket as a pillow, apparently it smelt like me. She laid down and I looked at her and pushed a strand of hair out of her face gently. I wished it would be more quiet for her to sleep even the stupid news was-

               A familiar name stopped my train of thought and I looked up at the TV.

               David Tirk has now accumulated forty-two accusations from victims of rape astounding law enforcement. The women who had come forward never thought they were one of many. Most regret not speaking up before. It was their silence that contributed to his, Fred Elder, John Peterson and Robin Stark's ability to get away with their atrocities free from punishment. Accounts from these women are too graphic to be aired but if you log on to our website below we have published some. These recent developments have led police to investigate further into the bodies. On the clothes of David Tirk and Fred Elder blood was found that didn't match up to their own. Police suspect it may be of the killer's or potentially their most recent victim. Police are speculating that a loved one of a victim may have been the cause of their deaths. H-

            As the reporter was speaking I had that same feeling inside me that made me need to throw up. 42 women just like Allison had been raped, including a ten year old child. A ten year old, I was about to throw up when I heard that they found Allison’s blood. No, they could never know that it was her or that I had… killed them. My god, I hoped Allison was asleep but I either way I couldn’t listen any longer. “Turn it off!” I yelled at my mother watching as the screen went black.

            Allison screamed louder than I had ever heard her before and my eyed widened. “Allison?! What’s wrong are you okay, Allison?! Please baby answer me.” I looked around. “SOMEBODY GET SOMNE HELP!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. “Mom please hel-“ I stopped when Allison started to beg me to kill her. My eyes widened and tears started running down my cheek. She wanted me to kill her? I tried to grab her arm to take away the pain but the nurses pulled me off of her. I ran towards her again but they grabbed me holding me back. “No! Stop, I need to be with her!” I was bawling now, “Please let me see her I need to see her!” I watched as one of them had a needle and they put it into her arm. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HER?! I screamed and looked at my mother. The tears were falling down my cheeks, “I- I can’t do it. I can’t be strong for her. What is happening to her?! Mom?!”

            I looked back to see Allison was unconscious and suddenly, everything was quiet. 

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