The Hero I'll Never Be

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            Once Allison and I finally stopped crying, I realized that the eggs wouldn’t be any good anymore. It was upsetting because all I wanted to do was make a good breakfast for the love of my life. Obviously that plan was ruined because we had spent too much time crying and now the eggs were burnt. Allison pulled out of the hug and helped me up with her. I sighed and looked around the room.

            Suddenly, Allison started to fall over and I caught her, making sure she didn’t fall. “Allison!” I yelled out. She gasped and I looked at her worriedly. I had no idea what was happening, she just fell back like something had happened to her.

            “Allison what’s happening?! Let me help you!” I yelled at her but I couldn’t tell if she understood me or not. She wasn’t responding and that worried me the most. What the hell was going on? Why was this happening to her? Hadn’t she been through enough already?

            “Dr…. Fink… Call..” Was all she mumbled out and I nodded at her. I didn’t know the number though so I had to ask and thankfully I got that out of Allison and began to call the doctor. I was just about to talk when they put me on hold. Anger was pulsing through my body, Allison could be dying and they put me on hold?! I slammed my fist into Allison’s counter and a chunk of granite from it broke off onto the ground.

            “Scott… I’m… going to be okay… It’s like the cramps… I had… the first… two months… Don’t-“

            This didn’t make sense, that was the first two months not NOW! “Allison why would you get them now?!” I interupted, “Dr. Fink said you were doing better! Don’t tell me not to worry when I see that you can barely talk and can’t even move without gasping in pain!” I yelled at her because I was just so nervous I didn’t know what else to do.

            Finally those idiots took me off hold and the doctor answered, “Dr. Fink! It’s Allison the pain is back. I need you.” More like Allison needed him. He tried to get more information out of me but this wasn’t the time… actually we didn’t have time. If Allison was dying we needed an ambulence and wuickly so I begged him for one. No, this couldn’t be happening, everything was supposed to be happy with us, the bad stuff was over. Why couldn’t Allison just be okay, why-

            “Fuck!” Allison screamed out and I looked at her my eyes wide. I had never once heard Allison say that and she was not the type to say anything like that. That’s when I knew that the pain wasn’t just bad. Her breathing was quick and she looked like she was about to pass out. Part of me wished she would so the pain would go away but the other part of me needed her to stay concious so that I knew she was alive. I bent over to hold her hand but I could tell it was making it worse so I just stared at her, waiting for them to get there already.

            Finally, I heard the sirens and I watched Allison, giving her a look that told her she would be okay I don’t think she noticed it though. She started yelling again, yelling out words I would’ve never imagined Allison ever saying, I just froze. There was a knock on the door and I unfroze. Hesitantly, I picked Allison up, I knew this was going to be painful for her, but I needed to take her to the ambulence I would not leave her. I saw her go cross eyed and I knew how much I was hurting her “I’m so sorry Allison. I can’t just leave you here. I’m so so sorry. It will be over soon. I promise.” I was hurting her and that was killing me. I couldn’t help but think about that night. Images of her bruised and bloody in my arms as I raced to the hospital filled my head and I could not hold back the tears. I remembered not knowing if she would live or not and all of the pain that I was in just seeing her that way and I realized it was happening again. Then I thought about the hero I should have been and I knew then that it was the hero I’ll never be. I will never be Allison’s hero, I fail her too much.

            I rushed her into the ambulence and they layed her down letting me stay in the back and sit next to her. My hand never once let go of hers. Allison had to know that I was going to be there with her no matter what and that she was going to be okay. I didn’t know if she actually would be but I was telling her that. “I love you so much baby, I promise it will be okay, it will all be over soon I promise babe. I love you.” I said to her trying to hold in my tears but obviously failing.

            The people in the ambulence began to question her and it just made me angry. “Can’t you see that she’s in pain, for christ’s sake leave her alone! She can’t handle all of the questions!” I yelled at them and then looked back at her. “You’re okay I pr-“ Her eyes shut and my heart skipped a beat.

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