Chapter 8

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I woke up in my bed having no idea how I got here. My head hurts. I get out of bed and go to the bathroom everyone is staying home so the house is quite. I didn't want to miss anything in school I have already missed so many because of my constant moving. I get in the shower and as I clean my body I see a big cut on my stomach. How did I get that? I get out and look at it. It looks fresh and like I have stitches in it. I put on my cloths and do my hair and make up. I walk into my room and grab my sweater and with out thinking I graded my fathers diary as well. I walked to the kitchen and took an apple for breakfast and packed a sandwich for lunch. I wrote a note Sandy. I walked to my locker to my surprise I find James their oh god he is so hot. He smiles at me.
" hey I heard about Tina how are you doing?" James asked me.
" I didn't now her that well but it's still her again." I say as I open my locker " thanks for asking!" I said as I closed my locker.
" of course.... Are u the only one who came to school today?" He asked me.
" ya. " I said.
" I saw you walking by yourself, when you usually always walk with that girl umm jen." He says. I lol at him and see he isn't joking.... Has Taylor ever talked to James before cause he doesn't know her name.
" it Taylor." I say with a soft smile.
" oh shit sorry god I'm a dick." He said
" you said it not me!" I said with a soft laugh. He looks at me like really looks at me. He puts his hand under my chin and says.
"I love your smile! You need to start smiling more. Your so beautiful!" He said. " shit did I just say that?!" He says as he laughs awkwardly. I giggle and kiss his check.
" your beautiful too." I say with a wink and a smile.
As the lunch bell rings I walk to my locker. Just another school were I get to sit by myself.
" hey hottie!" I blonde hair and blue eyed tall boy comes up to me. I look away, he comes up really close to me.
" what's your name cutie?" He asks me as he touches my check I move away. Just as a voice comes up behind me
" hey Jordan get your hands off of her!" James says as he comes up to me.
" sorry James but I didn't see your name on it!" Jordan says.
" I'm sorry but I'm not an it!" I say surprising both of them." My name is Franny and I'm not interested in being a part of your whore gang." I say as the group of people that have started gathering around us all start laughing.
" list up bitch!" Jordan yells
" no you listen up bitch! I don't want to be a part of your long list of sluts so go found yourself a new girl cause I'm not intersected!" I say. Everyone starts to laugh and Jordan walks away. When he is gone everyone comes up to me and tell me their name and asks if I want to sit with them at lunch. I walk into the cafeteria with James and a big group of people.
" sorry guys Frannys sitting with me!" James says as we walk to a table with two girls and around three guys.
" guys this is Franny." James says as he holds my hand.
" dude was this the girl thy you were talking about?" A guy asks
" ya the girl that you knew your whole life?" Another guy asks
" yes!" James say
" dang know I now why you like her!" The same guy says.
" nick shut up!" James says.
" ya you went on and on about how you liked her for like 5 years and you never made a move cause she was your best friends sister, and how she's gorgeous and you like love her!!" Nick says.
Just then James pulls always from me and grabs nick.
" dude shut up!" He says. Everyone starts laughing and I even laugh a little.
" hey Franny com sit beside us!" A girl with black hair says. I set down next to them.
" hi I'm catie!" Catie says "and that girl over there." She says as she points to a girl making out with a guy. " is Amy."
" nice to meet you." I say.
" I heard you talking to Jordan! Good for you putting that dick in his place!" Amy says as she walks over to us.
" thanks!" I say.
" I'm Amy." Amy says. " and that is Ethan" she said as she pointed to a blond haired boy with brown eyes.
" and that boy over there is Jonathan." Catie says as she points to a tall guy with black hair and blue eyes.
" and you now nick." Catie said with a little laugh. James and nick came back to the table. James sat beside me and put his arm around my chair.
" I'm sorry nicks such an idiot." James whispered to me.
" oh so you don't have a crush on me." I whisper to him. He looks at me and smiles.
" I didn't say that!" James whispers.
The rest of lunch is spent listen to the guys talk about football. Me Catie and Amy all talk about the party Friday, they were so excited to here that I was coming. Me and James walk out of the cafeteria and to my locker.
" after school I want to show you something!" James says as we reach my locker.
" ok!" I say
" great I'll meet you by your locker after school." James says as he kisses me on the cheek as soon as his lips are off my cheek his face is red.
" see you after school!" He says as she walks away leaving me laughing.
I walk out of my period 4 class to my locker. James is their waiting for me.
" wow you take forever!" James says as he looks at me with a soft smile.
" sorry!" I say with a laugh. I grab my things and we walk out side hand in hand. He walks me to his green jeep. We drive about 10 minutes out into the middle. All you can see is woods. He pull the car over and gets out I follow. He grabs my hand and we walk down a small path, hearing nothing but birds singing. We approach a half torn down cabin, as we get closer to it I see that it is the cabin from my dreams.
" how did you find this?" I asked him.
" I was looking for a place to write you, and I find this wooden area and walked around and I found this house it reminded me of your cottage." James says with a smile.
" ya it really does!" I smile " it even has a little stream!" I smile remembering me and James and chuck finding fish in the stream.
" ya I remember you me and chuck catching fish and frogs by that stream." James says. I smile remembering the cottage and my stream. We make our way do to the stream and sit on a rock. I smile looking at this streams brings back so much happy memories.
" I love your smile! Ever time I come here I think of that smile! And I love how I make you smile." He says. I smirk and giggle to myself.
" what?!" He says
" you love my smile and me!?" I laugh. Just then he leans over and kisses me a kiss I have dreamed of for 5 years. It's a soft sweet kiss.
" I have always loved you!" James says as he kisses me again. And just like that I'm all his.

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