Chapter 29

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James gets up from the ground.
"What the hell get your hands off my girlfriend!" He yells. The Greek god lets go of my waist and I feel empty from the lose of contact.
"What did you say?" He challenges as he walks over to James who is only at the Greek gods middle of his chest.
"Why are you touching my girlfriend you dick?!" He spits. Just then he starts to shake and he jumps into a wolf. It's a big black wolf he looks intimating but I'm not scared. James moves back and so does everyone else in the room the wolf makes its way to James who is about to run into the wall. I quickly run up to the wolf not being scared at all. I touch his back and I can feel him relax. He slowly stops shaking and turns back into a human. He is butt naked. I quickly turn away from him trying to hide my brushing cheeks. I feel his hand on my shoulder as he turns me around. He smells my neck I guess my sent and he calms down. He wearing just a pair of pants. His chest is bare showing his 8 pack. I can feel ever girls eyes on him and I start to feel protective. I look around at all the girls and give them dirty looks. He notices and grabs my hand and leads me out the door and into the main hall and out the door of the castle and onto the bridge. Instead of walking to the village he leads me to the woods south of the castle. We walk for a good 5 minutes until we reach a bigger village with lots of houses. We walk throw the village getting weird looks from people. We make our way to a big house at the end of the road. He leads me instead The house it is huge as soon as you walk in theirs a big kitchen to the left with a big fancy oak dinning room set and to the right their is a big living room with a 80 inch tv. I hear the door close and I turn around to face him. He looks me up and down.
"So I'm mated to the savour." He says with a shy smile. I raise my eyebrow.
"Oh ya I forgot you were in the castle and no one tells you anything in that God damn castle!" He says as he throws his hands up dramatically. I let out a giggle and he smiles.
"Oh shit I didn't introduce myself my name luke." He says.
"I'm Franny." I say looking into his prefect green eyes. He smiles.
"So your my mate." He says walking close to me he is so much taller then me he is probably 6'6 at least if not taller.
"Isn't the hole mates thing only for werewolfs?" I ask him. He looks at me and smirks and shakes his head.
"You don't know a hole lot about the supernatural world do you?" He asks me. I shake my head.
"No... I didn't now it was real until a few days ago." I say.
"Werewolfs can be mates to any kind of supernatural not just wolfs we can also some times be mated to humans." He says. I look at him.
"So I'm your mate?" I ask he nods his head.
"Yes! And I'm yours." He say with a smile as he cups my face.
"Beautiful." He says as he rubs his thumb on my cheek. Before I know what's happening his lips are on mine they send sparks no fireworks throw my body it's nothing I have ever felt in my whole life. As we part he pulls me to his chest.
"Your all mine." He says as he kisses the top of my head.
"Your all mine." I say with a big smile.
"Is this your house?" I ask him as I look up at him. He nods his head.
"Yes! I'm the one of the leaders of the Fort. There is four leaders Mindy who is a ghost whisper. Lily who is a psychic. Pal who is a vision of touch. And me the werewolf. They nominate 3 people for the spots and the alpha is always a part of the leaders." Luke says.
"Alpha?" I ask. He smiles.
"I'm the head of the pack and your my Luna." He says as he pulls me closer. I smile.
"We have to go to lunch." Luke says I nod my head as we walk out hand in hand. I hate to admit it but I don't want to go I want to stay and learn more about lukes world.
"You will come live with me." He says. I look over at him.
"What?" I ask.
"You will live with me." He says.
"What? No!" I yell. He looks over at me with a hard face.
"Franny! You are my mate you are living with me end of discussion!" He yells. Good thing we are past the village. I think to myself.
"Luke I'm only 16! I can't live with you!" I yell.
"I'm your mate I will protect you!" He says. Just then we see the castle in sight.
"Will talk about this later." Luke says as he stops and looks at me.
"Your my mate and we need to be by each other or we will both go crazy." Luke says as he puts a piece of hair behind my ear. I nod my head.
"The discussion isn't over." I say with a sassy smirk. He shakes his head and pecks my lips and we make our way to the castle. As we make our way inside we Head for the dinning hall we open the door and everyone goes quite. I look down and start to feel uneasy. Luke notices and growls at everyone. They go back to what they are doing. Luke leads me to a table with a bunch of people. They all look up at us.
"This is Franny my mate." He says with a smile they all smile.
"Your mate?!" I voice screams from behind us. I turn around to find James.
"Your mated to my girlfriend?!" He screams. Luke starts to shake I put my hand on his chest and look up at him he's beautiful green eyes are now black.
"Luke." I say he looks down and he's eyes go back to normal. I let out a breath and smile up at him. He doesn't look at me he is staring at James. Luke pulls me to the front of the room.
"Everyone I have an announcement! I have found my Luna!" He yells as everyone cheers. I look over were my family is sitting and they look upset and confused.
"Your new Luna is Franny Light!" He screams I look over at him. I didn't tell him my last name. He looks down at me and whispers
" I'll explain later." He whispers it brings gross bumps to my skin.
"What if she doesn't want to be your mate?" James yells. Those words make my heart sink I can't be with out him I start to panic. Luke pulls me close to him.
"Why don't we ask her then?" Luke says. He looks down at me.
"Franny light will you be my mate?" He asks me. I freeze I don't know what I want I don't know what to think. I know he's my mate and I need to be with him no I want to be with him. I look over at James who looks so upset. Luke pulls me closer. I feel safe I need to be with him. I'm sorry James. I think to myself.
"Yes!" I say looking up at Luke.
"I will be your mate!"
Lukes smile says it all he looks happy and relieved. He walks me over to the table and we take a seat.
"Franny this is Becky." Luke points to a blonde girl with blue eyes she looks really fit.
"Hi." I say she smiles.
"And her mate William." Luke points to a guy with brown hair and brown eyes he looks muscular but not as muscular as Luke.
"Hi it's nice to meet you! I'm lukes beta." Willam says.
"I'll explain it to you later." He whispers in my ear. I smile and nod my head I feel like a baby here.
"And this is my sister Emily and her mate Braden." Luke points to a girl with blonde hair and lukes beautiful green eyes. And a man who has blonde hair and brown eyes. Emily looks me up and down.
"Ok approved!" She says with a shy smile. Luke rolls his eyes and I laugh at him. Emily's shakes her head.
" I had to say that I'm your older sister!" Emily's says with a duh face. I nod my head.
"That's try." I say with a smile. Emily smiles.
"Yep I like you already!" She says as she points her finger at me. The bell rings and everyone gets up for training. Emily flips her hair revealing a bit mark on her neck. I stop in my tracks and so does Luke.
"What's wrong?" He asks me. I look into his worried eyes.
"What happened to Emily's neck?" I whisper. He looks at me and starts to laugh.
"That's her mate mark it shows that she is taken and no one can have her." Luke says. I touch my neck and I see him stare at it with lest and want.
"So I'm going to have on?" I ask he nods his head and smirks.
"When your ready." He says as he puts a hand on my shoulder. I smile and we make our way to the training centre. Luke looks down at me.
"I'm not going to be your teacher today so after practice I will meet you by the doors and you can get your stuff to come back home with me." He says. I raise my eyebrow at him.
"What?" I ask.
"Your my mate! I need to be by you and you will see your family please Franny I need you!" She says as she cups my face. I look into his pleading eyes.
"Fine." I breath. He smirks and kiss me. I lose contact with his lips he looks at James who just punched him.
"What the hell James!" I scream. James looks at you.
"You don't want to be with him! He's making you!" James yells. My eyes go wide.
"What the hell?!" I yell.
"Franny don't give me that shit I know you don't want to be with him." James yells. All my anger is starts to come out I go up and punch James. He looks shocked. I kick him and he's down I stand over him.
"Don't ever say that again!" I yell. I turn around to find Luke with a big smirk on his face.
"The Luna has strength." Braden says walking over towards me.
"We can work with that!" He says with a smirk.
"Hello Luna today your going to be training in the fighting ring." Braden says.
"Let's put her against you." Braden says as he points to James.
"What no!" James yells.
"I'm the teacher I can do what I want." Braden says. We make our way to the fighting ring. I'm so ready for this.
"Now today is about seeing what you got I'm not going to tech you anything until tomorrow." Braden says. I smirk good thing I now how to fight. I take off my sweater and throw it to the side I'm about to go in the ring when luke pulls me back he puts his arms around me.
"Good luck." He whispers as he kisses my cheek. I smile and peck his lips. Let's do this. I go into the ring. James gets in looking nervous. He better be he's going down. Braden makes us shake hands. James doesn't look me in the eyes. Scaredy cat. Braden gets out and yells.
We circle each other for awhile.
"Beat the shit out of him Franny!" Luke yells. I run to James an punch his nose he grabs it giving me the perfect chance to kick the back of his knees making him fall. I jump on him an start punching him.
"Fight back!" I scream. He has his arms over his face and is not trying. It making me so mad.
"Fight me damn it!" I scream. He doesn't move. I get up and start kicking him.
"Your not trying why aren't you trying!" I yell. He just stays there.
"Ok Franny I think that's enough." Braden says as he comes into the ring. James gets up and Is holding his nose. He doesn't look me in the eyes.
"Now shake hands again." Braden instructions. I shake James hand but as I do I am flipped on my back with him standing over me.
"Your a princess you don't know how to fight your just a little bitch how needs protecting." She screams in my face. As he stands over me i kick him where the sun don't shine. He falls to the ground.
"I don't need protecting dip shit! You do!" I scream as I walk out of the ring. He was pretending to be this nice guy he was really just a jerk all along.

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