Chapter 12

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"So what are you girls going to do today?" Sandy asks all the girls.
"Me an Taylor are going to walk around she wants to show me more things." I say looking at Taylor.
"Oh ok that sounds fun! You girls by careful!" Sandy says. After breakfast we make our way up to our bedroom. I get dressed.
"Wait Franny what is that cut from?" Taylor asks me as she points to my stomach.
"I don't know the morning after I went down in the bookcase and didn't now how I got back in my bed!" I say. Taylor looks at me with a weird expression.
"It looks like you have sticks!" Taylor says.
"I don't know? I don't remember anything from that night." I say. We walk down stairs and Sandy gives us $30 for the store. We walk outside and when we are far away from the house I say.
"Keep your eyes open for him!"
Taylor nobs and we walk to the convention store. Taylor goes and gets the samwhichs well I look around the store I am looking at the drinks when some one comes up behind me.
"Excuse me!" A deep voice says. When I turn around I am scared to see the man in black.
"Sorry" I mumble as I move out of the way. Tina Tina where are you? I say in my head just then I am Tina appears.
"Wow you figured out how to call me! What is it." She says I look over at the man in black just then Taylor comes over.
"Go touch him by accident see who he is!" I whisper to Taylor. She looks at me and walks up to the man she bumps into him.
"Oh my I am so sorry I clearly cant see where I'm going." she say as she to touches his arm.
"It's fine!" He says.
"Ok I'm sorry again!" Taylor says as she heads for the door i follower her. Tina is staying and following him. I walk over to the tree where Taylor is.
"What did you see?" I ask. Taylor looks at me with a scared expression on her face.
"Taylor?" I ask.
"Franny.......... He's your fathers dad!" Taylor says. Just then a hand goes over my eyes.
"Ahhhh!" I scream. I turn around to find James laughing his ass off.
"Oh shit you scared me!" I say as he hugs me.
"Oh now your making me feel bad!" James says.
"I would never do that to a girl!" Nick says as he goes up to Taylor. "Hey babe!" He says as he puts his arm around her. She rolls her eyes an they walk away.
"So why were you so jumpy?" James asks me. I look up at him.
"See that man over their?" I say as I point to the man in black.
"Ya!" He says
"Have you ever seen him before?" I asked him.
"Ya he works with my mom and Sandy!" He says. I look up at him.
"Why are you asking babe?" He says looking a little bit more worried.
"I was just wondering!" I say his face is still worried. I look up at him as kiss him. As our lips part he smiles.
"Are you sure you ok?" He says.
"Yes I'm fine!" I say with little giggle.
"Would you look at that!" James says as he points to Taylor and Nick making out.
"Wow!" I say "that happened fast!" I say with a laugh. He smirks.
"Now I get to big him!" James.
"Now he won't bug us." James whispers in my ear brining gross bumps on my skin. I look at Taylor who is talking to nick.
"Taylor we should go now Sandy was expecting us!" I say Taylor looks confused for a second.
"Oh ya! See you nick!" Taylor says as she walks towards me and James.
"Bye babe!" I say to James as I give him a quick kiss and we walk away.
"What's going on?" Taylor says. We walk by my house.
"Sandy and James mother may both work with him!" I say. Just then Tina comes up to us.
"Sandy just meet up with him....... He gave her a neck lace with a grey crystal on it."
I walk down stairs to get a snack before bed.
"Franny come sit beside me!" Sandy says as I walk into the kitchen. I sit down and grab an apple.
"How are you feeling?" I asked her.
"I don't think it will ever go away." She says looking down.
"You know what i don't think it ever fully goes away I just thinks it stops hurting so bad." I say she looks at me and smiles a little.
"We need a girl like you in this house!" Sandy says with a smile "oh I have something for you Jen just found the people who brought your old house found this and have it to the Jen for you!" Sandy says as she pulls out the necklace that Tina say the man give her. "Along with this note!" He passed it to me.
"Well good night!" Sandy says leaving me wondering why she just lied to me.
Hey everyone! I was debating on doing a cast list or not please comment and tell me what you think and if you would like me to put one up or not! Thank you for reading!

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