Chapter 10

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" Taylor wait!" I yell as I chase her throw the big crowd of people. She goes out the front door. I follow trying to keep up.
" Taylor please wait!" I yell she stops on the porch of the house.
" WHAT! WHAT DO U WANT?" She yells.
" I'm sorry Taylor I was going to tell you!" I say.
" TELL ME! TELL ME WHAT? That you are only here a week and you already have a boyfriend and your already more popular then me! I've been here since grade 6 and guess what I have never been invited to a party! But you come along and your invited to a party the first dam day! And your friends with Catie and Amy......... You now I through we would be best friends but you know what.... Your a bitch you don't care about anyone but yourself!" Taylor starts to cry.
" Taylor no it's not like that!" I say
" you don't get it I don't care!!!" She says.
" Taylor I have been in love with James my whole life! I grow up with him! He makes me feel at home! I'm sorry!! The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you!" I say as I walk over to her. She looks at me and walks away.
" Taylor?" Tiffany says. " what are you doing here?" She asks.
"I don't know!" She says to her friend " I don't know why I'm here!"
I walk into the party not in such a party mood anymore.
" Franny!" James says as he walks up to me. " are you ok?"
" ya!" I say as he hugs me.
" what happened?" He asks
" Taylor just wanted to go home!" I say.
" ok?" James says clearly not buying it.
"How is she getting home?" He asks
" her friend Tiffany is driving her home!" I say.
" ok! When you want to go home just tell me I want to drive you!" He says. Me Amy and Catie dance the night away... But it wasn't the same with out Taylor. James drove me home around an hour after Taylor left. James drive me home. And we are going out with Catie Ethan Amy and Jonathan we are going bowling. I walk into my bedroom to see Taylor in bed. She isn't snoring so I know she isn't asleep.
" I hope you can forgive me!" I say to her. She turns around in her bed and looks at me.
" I'm sorry I over reacted!" She says as she starts to cry. " I was thinking about what you said..... About growing up with him! And I'm sorry it's are first week together and we are already fighting I don't want to fight with you!" Taylor says. I walk over to her and hug her.
" I don't want to fight either." I say
" i can feel the amount of love you have for him." She says as she lets go of me.
" that's so cute how he kisses you!" Taylor says.
" wait how do u....... Oh ya I just hugged you!" I say remember her vision of touch.
"I found out something about the book!" I say suddenly remembering my visit from Tina.
" really what is it?" Taylor asks.
" well you now how I said Tina talked to me in the hospital?" I ask
" ya what about it?" She asks
" well last night she came to our room and told me that I can see ghosts! She said she new about your powers too! She said that were supernaturals." I say.
" what?" So you saw her you can talk to her?" Taylor asked
" ya she showed me the home she grew up in and said that I have a gift that the ghost gets to chose to let me see them or not!" I say.
" that is so cool." She says. We spent the rest of the night reading my fathers diary.
" baby it your turn!" James says to me as we walks away a from the bowling lane. I look at Taylor who hasn't stopped talking to nick. I can see them together, she will always put him in his place.
" Franny are you listening to me?" James says as he leans down and kisses me. It was a quick and sweet kiss.
" now I am!" I said with a smile as I went up to the bowling lane. I rolled the bowling ball down the lane and knocked down 2 pins. I have never been good at bowling. The next time I knock down all but 2 pins.
" yes!" I say as I run over to everyone. "I rock!" I say.
Everyone starts laughing. James comes up to me and kisses me on the cheek
" your so cute!"he says. Amy and Ethan didn't end up coming Amy had a family dinner and Ethan went with her.
" Catie your turn!" Jonathan says.
" I'm going I'm going!" She says. She got a strike.
"Yes!" Catie says.
"Wow!" I say as I laugh. And hour later we are finished our game.
" I still can't believe you one!" Jonathan says to Catie.
" ouch that hurt!" Catie says.
" I have to go pee!" Taylor says.
" ok ok I'm coming." I say as she smiles at me. We walk into the bathroom. She goes into the stall and I look in the mirror to see if my hair is still ok.
" I really like nick!" Taylor says! Just then Tina shows up in the mirror.
" ahhhh!" I scream. Just then I am in a alley.
"Tina?" I say.
" this is where I was shot!" She says.
" who shot you?" I ask.
" that's just it I don't know!" Tina says " I need you to help me find who it is....... And I will help you control your powers!" Tina says.
" you will?" I ask.
" yes but please help find who shot me!" Tina says.
I smile
" you got yourself a deal!"I say. Just then I am back in the bathroom. Taylor walks out of the bathroom stall.
" you ok?" She asks me.
" ya but I need you to help me with something." I say wondering what she will think.

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