Chapter 19

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"No no Franny no she didn't mean any of that!" Taylor yelled trying to convince me other wise.
"Taylor I'm not wanted anywhere I know that now!" I say as I pack the last of my stuff.
"I want you here!" Taylor said.
"Yes and thank you for being so supportive and so nice to me but I have to go." I say.
"Let me come with you!" Taylor said.
"What? You want to come with me? But you have some many people that love you here!" I say.
"Trust me no one wants me here." Taylor says.
"What are you talking about? Sandy loves you all the girls love you.... You have Nick who really likes you." I say. Taylor starts laughing.
"What?" I ask.
"You think I like being in a foster home with Sandy? It's like you said she's not our mother she's just trying to be. And Nick and me weren't that serious. What's James going to think?" Taylor said.
"Well you can come with me but we have to get something in the bookcase." I whispered. "And I left once he will live." I say.
"Ok so we portend to sleep and then go and get what we need." Taylor whispers. Taylor starts packing her things well I hide my bag and get in bed. After Taylor is all ready and has the bag hidden the light down stairs turns off meaning Sandy is going to bed. But instead of going to her room she comes to our door and opens it. I close my eyes. Is she checking to make sure I'm still here? I wonder. Just then the door closes and I open my eyes. She gone. We wait a little bit longer until sandys light is off and make sure she's almost a sleep before we get up and grab our bags.
"It's 2:30." Taylor says. We get out of bed an grab our bags. We open the door and I take one more look at my room that I through would bring me a better life. I close the door and we head down stairs and open the bookcase. We walk down stairs flash lights in hand and I go to the last door. I turn on the light and grab the book on the table along with a few others on the fileing cabinet. We turn off the light and go up stairs we close the bookcase and head to the kitchen to get some food.
"I have $500." Taylor whispered. We grab what we need and then open the front door. And close it shut behind us.
"Here we go!" Taylor says as we make our way to a rundown motel.
"Theirs locks on the doors still we can stay here until it gets light out then we can take a train to Ohio." Taylor says.
"Ohio?" I ask her.
"My grandmother lived there." Taylor says.
"Wait? Your grandmother? Why didn't you live with her?" I ask her.
"When I was 3 my parents died and my grandmother took me in.... I mean she was odd like really odd and did weird things but when I was 10 she told everyone that I had a gift and went all crazy. So they took me away from her and stuck me with Sandy." Taylor says as we approach the motel. We find a room and look in it we turn on the lights. And they come on. We look around and don't see anything too bad. But I'm not sleeping in that bed I through as I looked at the unmade bed. We lock the door.
"I'm sorry to hear that." I say to Taylor not sure what else to say.
"It's ok I sometimes get to go and see her!" Taylor says. We spend the rest of the night talking about her grandma.
"The station is so close!" Taylor says to me. I didn't sleep at all last night the room was so gross.
"Ok thank god!" I say. We walk into a small roof covered area and Taylor buys us one way tickets to Ohio. We go to the little shop on the way to the tracks.
"So we will be stoping close 6 times so we will be able to us the restrooms and such." Taylor says to me.
"Ok!" I say as we walk around the shop waiting for the train. We hear a whistle an walk over to the tracks. We both hope in after showing the man our tickets. We find a set, Taylor goes by the window with me in the outside sit. As soon as we get moving I'm asleep.
"Franny...Franny..... Franny." Taylor calls to me. I wake up an look at her.
"We are stopped lets go to the bathroom and we need some food cause we ate all of it this morning." Taylor says as we walk off the train. We head into the store. A tv is on with the news. I wonder where we are. I think to myself as I go towards the tv.
"Breaking news! Two teens become missing in Manhattan. They go by the names of Franny Light and Taylor Madison. If you see these girls please call us. Award of $25000 will be given out to those who find them." The tv host says. Oh shit!

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