Chapter 22

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I sit in the room with Taylor still wondering what is behind that door. We haven't heard from Taylor's grandmother and have been in the room for close to 5 hours. Their are 3 beds in the room we both lay on a bed.
"Franny go to sleep it's ok!" Taylor assures me. I nob my head and close my eyes. I am so tried. I finally let sleep take over me.
I wake up in a panic. My chest is so hot. I grab my flash light which wakes up Taylor.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" I scream I look down and I have a black spot on my hand it burns!! My necklace is still on I had almost forgot about it. Right now it's flashing red just like it was in my fathers diary. Oh no it's coming.
"Franny!" Taylor says as she gets up and grabs my arm that's when It hit me the people of the organization that took my father used the crystal to get him into the lab. Sandy gave me the crystal so no matter where I was she could get me. The room goes black.
I wake up in a white room with no windows. I am tied down to a metal stand. I look around just then the door opens....... And James walks in.
"Franny! Shit! Are you ok?" James asks
"What happened where am I?" I ask
"The hospital.... Taylor's grandmother found you on the bottom of the stairs she didn't know what to do cause she's a crazy person!" James says
"Where's Taylor???" I ask as I start to panic. "How did you find us?"
"She ok!" James says. "Taylor's grandmother called Sandy." I could feel that he was lying why would Taylor's grandmother call Sandy? It doesn't make senses. I'm not in the hospital cause if I was then there would be machines around me and I wouldn't be tied to a bed. I'm in the lab where they took my father.
"James I know where I am!" I say. He looks at me.
"I don't know what you mean." He supply says.
"James I'm not in the hospital. I'm in the laboratory where my father was when he "ran away"." I say. He looks at me and walks out. I start to panic........ I know James was a part of Sandys plan but I thought he cared about me and I thought he didn't want to be a part of it. The door opens again and Sandy walks in.
"Come on Franny lets take a walk!" She says as she unties me from the stand.
"Like I'd go anywhere with you!" I spit.
"Sweetheart I'm not going to kill you right now you are to valuable." She says with a evil grin.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Sweetheart I need your help." She says as she puts a loss hair behind my ear I move back.
"I'm not helping you!" I say.
"I think you'll change your mind." Sandy says with a wicked smirk.
"Oh ya whys that?" I ask. She smiles.
"Follow me." She says as she heads for the door. I decide to follow I want to know what she thinks will make me want to help her. We walk out into a dark hall it looks like we're under ground.
"So you went throw my things?" Sandy asks.
"So you put the diary on my bed?" I ask "and gave me the necklace that would bring me to you?"
"Franny your not here to be observed you are here to help us like I said. And I knew you would run away you didn't trust me I could feel it. Plus that necklace eliminates your powers." She says.
"Like I said I'm not going to help you with anything! Oh Sandy are you scared of me and my gift." I tout her and smile. we continue walking and stop in front of a black door.
"No you should be scared at what kind of power I have. I can change your mind so fast after you see this you will do whatever you can to help me!" She says with a evil grin she opens the door. My eyes burn and the tears sting as I stare at the 4 people I have cried myself to sleep over ever night for the last two years............. I stare at my family.

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