Chapter 27

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Have you ever had one of those nights were you can't sleep? Where you have something on your mind that keeps you up? Or when you close your eyes all you see is that one thing? Well I'm having one of those nights. i can't sleep, every time I closed my eyes I say him laying their with blood on his back and as still as a rock all the life sucked out of him. I couldn't sleep cause I know I didn't deserve to sleep I deserve to stay awake and think about what I did and what I let happen. Brody's gone because I was stupid and said we should go. Chuck didn't talk to me all night he didn't look at me he just went to bed. Taylor was already asleep when I climb in bed with her. James is on the pull out bed in the couch and hasn't even closed his eyes yet. I walk over to the couch and when he hears me he looks at me. I sit on the floor in front of him.
"Can't sleep either?" I say. He nobs his head.
"I'm such a jerk." He says as he looks into my eyes. "I'm such a dick I wanted you and only you and I didn't care about what happened. I let Brody die! I did this I should have just stayed there but I had to push my mom into letting you guys go." James says as he looks up at the roof.
"James you got us out." I say as I put my hand on his.
"I got most of you out!" He says as he looks at me with tears in his eyes. I get up and lie down next to him on the pull out bed.
"What are you doing?" He asks me as I snuggle next to him. I put my head on his chest and look up at him.
"Giving you another chance." I say.
He smiles and some how we both fall asleep.
"You dick! What the hell are you doing in bed with my sister!" Chuck screams. I open my eyes to see chuck on top of James. Beating the shit out of him. I jump out of bed and grab chuck.
"Chuck stop." I yell. He stops punching James and gets off of James. I walk over to James he has a broken nose and a black eye. His face is all bloody.
"What the hell were you doing in James bed!" He screams.
"Your a dick!" I yell as I help James up.
"You broke his nose and gave him a black eye because I was in bed with him! You want to know something chuck I couldn't sleep and being with James makes me feel safe." I scream. As I walk James to the bathroom. We walk in I grab a face cloth to wash the blood off and he sits on the toilet. I walk over to him and start wiping the blood off.
"What happened?" I asked him as I look into his eyes. James looks at me and a small smile creeps on his face.
"Well when I woke up you were still using my chest as a pillow." James says with a smirk I look down to hide my smile.
"And the next thing I know I'm on the ground with chuck on top of me. He doesn't really like me now does he?" James asks but it's more like a statement.
"I'm sorry I should have just stayed in my bed." I say. Just then a feel his hand under my chin. He brings my head up so I'm looking at him.
"Why are you giving me another chance?" He asked me. I think about this for a moment. Why am I giving him another chance? Is it because he saved us?
"Because everyone deserves another chance! But I need to know why you didn't tell me you were working for Sandy and what was going throw your head." I say. James nod his head.
"My mom started working with Sandy after I was born. Since she married a human she was cut off from the supernatural world with no way back. One day she was a the park with me and Sandy came up to her and told her that she can get her back to the supernatural world if she helps her in the future. So she got to go back to the supernatural world whenever she wanted. She soon forgot about Sandy and how she needed to help her when the time came. But one day Sandy showed up and my mom started to panic. Sandy told her what she needed to do to her best friends family. If she didn't they would kill me. So she helped get your family. They killed a different family and I'm not sure how but my mom made them look like your family to make everyone think they were dead including me. I never new why they did that my mom did that I thought they really died I was just as surprised and happy to see them as you were. When I saw you for the first time at school I was so happy and I knew my feelings for you were still their. I'm sorry that I was a part of this but they threatened to kill me and my mom if I didn't stay with you. I didn't think it was that bad but I didn't know what they were going to do to you. I love you I always have I didn't just go out with you because they wanted to I did it because I have always loved you." He says. I don't know what I was doing until i feel his lips crash down on mine. I have missed him so much. We part and I am out of breath.
"I love you." I say.
"And I love you!" He says with a big smile.
I finish wiping the blood and we walk out. To find the room empty.
"We are having breakfast now if you two will care to join us." Mindy says from the door way. We both nod and follow her down the hall. And into the dinning hall. Good thing I wore my cloths from yesterday to bed. I think to myself as we open the doors to the hall. We walk in hand in hand as we do the hall goes quite. They all stop and look at us.
"Why are they looking at us?" I whisper to James.
"Because they are counting on you." Mindy says from in front of us. We make our way to the back of the dinning hall where Taylor chuck and my parents are already sitting. I sit down next to my mom and James goes to sit next to me but Chuck moves and takes his spot. James looks at me and then chuck and walks over to were Taylor is and sets next to her she gives him a small smile. Mindy sits at the head of the table and looks around at us.
"I can tell that something is going on so I will leave you to figure it out and when I come back I'll tell you what the plan is today." Mindy says as she gets up an walks away.
"You slept with James!" My dad says. I look over at him his face is dark red.
"Really so Chuck told you that I slept in James bed with him because I couldn't sleep? Did he say anything about him beating James up?" I ask my father. I look at him and his face goes back to normal.
"No he did not." My dad says a he looks over at Chuck.
"I'm sorry Franny." My father says. I nob my head. Mindy returns moments later.
"Ok so let's get to it!" Mindy says as she takes her spot.
"Today we are going to start training and see where all of you guys are at." Mindys says taking a sip of her orange juice.
"What are we training for?" Taylor asks Mindy. Mindy looks at Taylor.
"The war." She says with a smile. I heard my mom let out a little cry. This is her worst nightmare. After breakfast we go up stairs and change into a training suit that Mindy gave us. I am on my way to the room when someone pulls me aside.
"What are you even doing with him?" Chuck asks me.
"I don't know." I say as I put my hands on my face.
"Why are you wait what you said you don't know?! So do you like him?!" Chuck ask me.
"Of course I like him stupid wouldn't be dating him if I didn't!" I say. Chuck looks at with his I now you better face.
"You like him..... But I have a feeling it's not the way you think you do!" He says. I know I love him I do but it's different this time.
"I love him I know I do it's just I think I still don't forgive him 100% and that's why it's weird." I say. Chuck looks at me with a ok what ever you want look.
"Don't hurt the poor boy I did enough of that this morning!" Chuck says with a little laugh. I nod my head and he walks into the room. Chuck has always had a bad temper and he lets it get the better of him. Why is it so weird between me and James now? Does he feel the same way? Am I just over thinking it? I think that's it! I just have to focus on the training today! And with that I walk in to put on my training suit.

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