Chapter 36

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Warning: this chapter is very violent.

"Franny." brody says. I an about to come over and hug him when someone comes up and grads my arms. they turn me around.

"luke what are you doing?" I ask as I look into his eyes.

"Franny its a trap." luke says. my anger starts to bubble.

"no its not Luke." I say as I turn around.

"Franny brody is dead and you know it." Luke says. I look over at brody and remember him falling to the ground lifeless.

"who are you?" I ask. brody looks surpised.

"what do you mean Fran its me." brody says with a soft smile.

"cut the bull shit who are you." I yell.

"Franny its me.' brody says.

"no your dead." I say.

"they didn't kill me." brody says. "they made my pass out which looked like i died they used a stun bullets." brody says.

"why?" I ask not sure if I want to know the answer.

"they want me to give you a message." brody yells and looks around at the crowd. " you may have your bullets and your soldiers and your guns but no one can kill our minds their will always be someone like us out here FIGHTING and LEARNING. don't under estimate us. we are always watching." brody says as he starts to cry. he pulls out a gun and puts it up to his head.

"brody no!" I scream.

"Franny." brody says as he starts to ball. "kill them all." he says as he pulls the trigger and falls to the ground. I fall to the ground balling.

"why!" I scream. luke comes up and hugs me.

"such a good show where's the popcorn when you need it?" a voice says in front of me. I look up and find sandy. luke runs at her but as he gets close he is knocked down to the ground. sandy laughs.

"you really think i would come in here with nothing." sandy says with a laugh. I get up and all the anger in me i try feel the energy around her and start to pull it away. Sandy's smile slowly starts to fad.

"what how." she screams as luke grads her. I direct the power towards my wounded leg and it heals. I walk over to sandy and luke.

" hey sandy." I say with a friendly smile. "welcome to hell."


" its been two hours she still hasn't cracked." pal says as we sit behind the glass that separates use from sandy who is sitting in front of luke, who isn't getting anything answers out of sandy. he gets up and walks out of the room and into the room we are in.

"its no use." luke says. "shes better dead then a live at this point shes no help to us." luke says with a sign.

"can I try?" I ask. pal and luke both look at me and then each other.

"no!" luke yells.

"no I think its worth a shot." pal says.

"no what if she gets hurt." luke says.

"um dude she saved your ass let her go." pal says to luke. luke signs.

" don't do anything stupid." luke says to me. I nob my head. I walk out of the room and pull out my knife as I walk into the room with sandy in it. she looks over at the door and rolls her eyes. I sit down in front of her.

"know listen sandy. im going to ask you questions and your going to answer them." I say. she starts to laugh.

"honey we all know you aren't going to hurt me." sandy says as she looks at the knife in my hand. I walk over to her side of the table and lean up against it. sandys arms and legs are changed down to the chair. I smile at her and stand right in front of her and stad the knife into her arm. and walk over to the table and lean against it. she lets out a scream.

"know what were you saying?" I ask as I look into her eyes which are watering.

"im not going to answer any questions." sandy says. I walk up to her.

"big mistake." I say as I stad the knife into her other arm and start to twist it. she screams.

"stop please please stop!" she yells. I stop twisting it and look at her.

"are you ready to answer me?" I ask her she nods her hand and I pull the knife out.

" what did you do to brody?" I ask her.

"really that's what you want to ask me." she says with a grin. I shake my head, and walkup to sandy.

"you really want to push me right know?" I ask her. she looks at me and shakes her head.

"no." she breaths sounding defeated.

"that's what I thought so speak." I say.

"what do you want to know?" she ask me.

"why he wasn't dead why he killed hisself what the message was about." I say she nods her head.

"we pretended to kill brody so we can do some research on him, he has the same powers as you so we wanted to know how to kill you." sandy says as she takes a deep breath. " we couldn't find anythimg he has the same powers as you but they aren't as strong." sandy says. "it was all a waste."

why would she do that?

"the message what was that about." I ask. sandy laughs.

"honey I thought it was pretty straight forward." sandy says with a laugh. I look her in the eyes.

"oh crap you didn't get it. does no on around here tell you anything?" sandy asks. I look away from her.

"do you even know what the war is about?" sandy ask me. I think about it and no I don't even now why im fighting.

"we don't want to live in secret anymore we want to be our real selfs in the human world." sandy says. " the message was saying that even if you kill us their will still be someone out there that thinks the same as us and wants the same things." sandy says.

"then why are you experimenting on supernatural?" I ask.

" we want to try and figure out how to make humans supernaturals." sandy says. I suck in a breath. why would they want to do that.

"why?" I ask

"image a world with only supernatural." sandy says with a smile.

"that sounds like hell." I say as I look her in the eyes. she shakes her head.

"you are all stubborn." sandy says. I look her in the eye.

"When I answer your last question will you bandage me up?" Sandy ask as she looks over at her arms.

"Yes." I say.

"Ok so even throw we couldn't find out a way to kill you and your kind we did figure out that with enough power they can be controlled , told what to do. may controlled your brother to tell you the mission and then kill himself. Easy as that." Sandy says as if nothing was interesting.

"Why would you do that?" I scream. She looks up at me.

"We thought it would be a good lets say lesson for you." She says with a smile. I am so anger I'm shaking and my vision is blurry.

"Lesson!" I scream. "Lesson?" I say. Sandys expression goes from an evil smile to being deathly screamed.

"I'll teach you a lesson." I say as I attack her I punch her and kick her I don't even know what I'm doing all I know is that I'm anger and I don't feel anything else but that.

"Franny! Stop!" I voice yells. I feel myself getting picked up. The anger got the better of me I think to myself as darkness surrounds me. All I can remember is sandy face covered in blood.

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